Activity Village Loch Ness Monster Origami
Support for the end of Furlough
Furlough Advice and Support...
Published on: 02-06-2021
We made play dough together. We followed the recipe and had to count the number of cups to put in. We needed salt, flour, oil and water. "It smells like porridge" said F, "It's so warm" said R. #STEM
We made play dough together. We followed the recipe and had to count the number of cups to...
Published on: 22-11-2021
As the colder weather is setting in can we please ask that your child has a cosy hat, scarf and glove set with them and their names on them. Thank you 😊
As the colder weather is setting in can we please ask that your child has a cosy hat, scar...
Published on: 22-11-2021
Our Brilliant Bairn of the Week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Our Brilliant Bairn of the Week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Published on: 22-11-2021
The boys set up a garage to fix their bikes. They used loose parts to build a ramp. R said "My bike is on the ramp", T said "I'm waiting for my man to fix my bike", J said "I was in a crash and my bik
The boys set up a garage to fix their bikes. They used loose parts to build a ramp. R said...
Published on: 19-11-2021
We had fun on the bikes today. We quickly crossed the 'Billy Goats bridge' to escape the troll. E said "I'm the troll". #traditionalstories #imaginativeplay #Outdoorplay
We had fun on the bikes today. We quickly crossed the 'Billy Goats bridge' to escape the t...
Published on: 19-11-2021
For #AntiBullyingWeek wee had a thought about #OneKindWord we could say to each other! This also ties in perfectly with our Right of the Month #Article19 #RRSA #BankierSilver
For #AntiBullyingWeek wee had a thought about #OneKindWord we could say to each other! Thi...
Published on: 19-11-2021
Our November Special Story is, We're going on a bear hunt. It's one of our favourites and the children are already reenacting and retelling the story using the provocations. @FalkirkFroebel @HaughtonE
Our November Special Story is, We're going on a bear hunt. It's one of our favourites and ...
Published on: 19-11-2021
We enjoyed visiting our buddies and enjoying their bookbug bags 📚 #BankierReads
We enjoyed visiting our buddies and enjoying their bookbug bags 📚 #BankierReads https://t...
Published on: 19-11-2021
Some excellent work today during algebra as we learned how to multiply out the brackets in an expression ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Some excellent work today during algebra as we learned how to multiply out the brackets in...
Published on: 18-11-2021
Today we were using concrete materials to help us simplify expressions in algebra ⭐️⭐️⭐️ @numhubchampfalk
Today we were using concrete materials to help us simplify expressions in algebra ⭐️⭐️⭐️ @...
Published on: 18-11-2021
We had great fun completing the escape room 📚
We had great fun completing the escape room 📚
Published on: 18-11-2021
P6 visited P2 for a cookie and a bookie📚📚🤩🍪
P6 visited P2 for a cookie and a bookie📚📚🤩🍪
Published on: 18-11-2021
A massive thank you to these well organised and responsible P6's who delivered an excellent lesson for #BookWeekScotland. They read a story to each group and pupils had to decide what happened next. I
A massive thank you to these well organised and responsible P6's who delivered an excellen...
Published on: 18-11-2021
@BpsPrimary6 @MissDonnellyBP We worked with P6 today 🤩
@BpsPrimary6 @MissDonnellyBP We worked with P6 today 🤩
Published on: 18-11-2021
We had a busy afternoon taking part in an Escape Room against P6 @BpsPrimary6 and P7 @Mrs_Paddon as part of #BookWeekScotland #BankierReads
We had a busy afternoon taking part in an Escape Room against P6 @BpsPrimary6 and P7 @Mrs_...
Published on: 18-11-2021
P1 and P2 received a special surprise today!📚🤩@MissRCallaghan @MrsAChok
P1 and P2 received a special surprise today!📚🤩@MissRCallaghan @MrsAChok
Published on: 18-11-2021
Today we were writing acrostic poems for #BookWeekScotland #BankierReads 📚📚📚
Today we were writing acrostic poems for #BookWeekScotland #BankierReads 📚📚📚 https://t....
Published on: 17-11-2021
We were preparing for Children in Need today. The children worked together to decorate a Pudsey picture. Our Pudsey will be displayed with the rest of the school in the gym hall. #teamwork #effectivec
We were preparing for Children in Need today. The children worked together to decorate a P...
Published on: 17-11-2021
Fantastic imaginative and co-operative play… re-enacting the story of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff 🐐
Fantastic imaginative and co-operative play… re-enacting the story of the 3 Billy Goats Gr...
Published on: 17-11-2021
Miss Paton from @DennyHighSchool was back in to see us this afternoon. We looked at the Thinglink created by @Mr_C_Beer that gave us lots of fantastic information ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Miss Paton from @DennyHighSchool was back in to see us this afternoon. We looked at the Th...
Published on: 16-11-2021
Today we created origami bookmarks for #BookWeekScotland #BankierReads
Today we created origami bookmarks for #BookWeekScotland #BankierReads
Published on: 16-11-2021
@scottishbktrust @Miss_AWilson
@scottishbktrust @Miss_AWilson
Published on: 16-11-2021
When the music stopped we looked at the book. P3 found lots of interesting books that they might go back and read !📚🤩@Miss_AWilson @scottishbktrust
When the music stopped we looked at the book. P3 found lots of interesting books that they...
Published on: 16-11-2021
P3 played musical books!🎼📚🤩
P3 played musical books!🎼📚🤩
Published on: 16-11-2021
Today as part of #AntiBullyingWeek we watched the beautiful dance by @RoseAylingEllis and @pernicegiovann1 then discussed its power and significance! #BankierSilver @MissFranceBPS
Today as part of #AntiBullyingWeek we watched the beautiful dance by @RoseAylingEllis and ...
Published on: 16-11-2021
This superstar is our #BrilliantBairn! ⭐️🌈
This superstar is our #BrilliantBairn! ⭐️🌈
Published on: 16-11-2021
P5 have had a busy morning working on a persuasive letter. We can't tell you what it's about just yet, it's top secret! 🤫
P5 have had a busy morning working on a persuasive letter. We can't tell you what it's abo...
Published on: 16-11-2021
Thank you very much! We had an extremely excited bunch of P7s who were happy to receive their iPad. We can't wait to start using them in class ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you very much! We had an extremely excited bunch of P7s who were happy to receive th...
Published on: 15-11-2021
We kicked off #BookWeekScotland by creating front covers for our favourite books! Some fantastic new front covers for a few of the Harry Potter Novels @jk_rowling 📚#BankierReads
We kicked off #BookWeekScotland by creating front covers for our favourite books! Some fan...
Published on: 15-11-2021
We kicked off #BookWeekScotland by creating front covers for our favourite books . It's great to see that some of our pupils still agree that @MarcusRashford book is number one! 📚#BankierReads https:/
We kicked off #BookWeekScotland by creating front covers for our favourite books . It's gr...
Published on: 15-11-2021
We kicked off #BookWeekScotland by creating front covers for our favourite books 📚#BankierReads
We kicked off #BookWeekScotland by creating front covers for our favourite books 📚#Bankie...
Published on: 15-11-2021
We kicked off #BookWeekScotland by creating front covers for our favourite books 📚#BankierReads
We kicked off #BookWeekScotland by creating front covers for our favourite books 📚#Bankie...
Published on: 15-11-2021
This morning we took part in the #BBCLiveLesson on #AntiBullyingWeek We then created our One Kind Word display #BankierSilver @MissFranceBPS #RightsRespectingSchools
This morning we took part in the #BBCLiveLesson on #AntiBullyingWeek We then created our O...
Published on: 15-11-2021
Our Brilliant Bairn this week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Our Brilliant Bairn this week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Published on: 12-11-2021
Yesterday the discussion at the art table was around Remembrance day. The children made poppy pictures.
Yesterday the discussion at the art table was around Remembrance day. The children made po...
Published on: 12-11-2021
Some beautiful poppy wreaths were made today for Remembrance Day!
Some beautiful poppy wreaths were made today for Remembrance Day!
Published on: 11-11-2021
A busy afternoon in P5, we designed the individual parts of our village and then worked in pairs and in groups to start to create it. I can't wait to see the end result #STEMDenny #FalkirkSTEMpire @Mr
A busy afternoon in P5, we designed the individual parts of our village and then worked in...
Published on: 10-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
We had a great day at our taster ski session! ⛷
Published on: 09-11-2021
'She's got it right!', 'she's got that wrong' what a buzz in the classroom this afternoon as P5 marked my work. Children had to use their own strategies to check calculations and identify what mistake
'She's got it right!', 'she's got that wrong' what a buzz in the classroom this afternoon ...
Published on: 08-11-2021
Our Marvellous meals menu for this year.
Our Marvellous meals menu for this year.
Published on: 08-11-2021
This superstar has worked hard to show his very best self every day this week and I am so super proud, well done! ⭐️🌈
This superstar has worked hard to show his very best self every day this week and I am so ...
Published on: 08-11-2021
L put a fantastic effort in with his homework this week and earned 'Homework of the Week'! Well done! ⭐️🌈
L put a fantastic effort in with his homework this week and earned 'Homework of the Week'!...
Published on: 08-11-2021
Our fantastic "Fireworks Over the Forth" Artwork 🎨
Our fantastic "Fireworks Over the Forth" Artwork 🎨
Published on: 07-11-2021
Our fantastic "Fireworks Over the Forth" Artwork 🎨
Our fantastic "Fireworks Over the Forth" Artwork 🎨
Published on: 07-11-2021
Our Brilliant Bairn this week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Our Brilliant Bairn this week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Published on: 07-11-2021
As of Monday the children will all enter and exit through the main nursery door. We understand it can be a busy time so if you need to speak to staff please either phone the nursery on 849971 or email
As of Monday the children will all enter and exit through the main nursery door. We unders...
Published on: 06-11-2021
A poster has been put up on the nursery door regarding Primary one enrolment and placing requests incase anyone would like any other further information.
A poster has been put up on the nursery door regarding Primary one enrolment and placing r...
Published on: 05-11-2021
The children have been talking about fireworks tonight so we spoke about fireworks and made our very own firework pictures.
The children have been talking about fireworks tonight so we spoke about fireworks and mad...
Published on: 05-11-2021
We love getting the chance to be the teacher in PE! The 'Bean Game' is our absolute favourite, we ask to play it every week! It can be hard to judge so we also pick people who are showing us 'Ready, R
We love getting the chance to be the teacher in PE! The 'Bean Game' is our absolute favour...
Published on: 05-11-2021
It is Plop from our class novel, The Owl who is afraid of the Dark! @MissDonnellyBP
It is Plop from our class novel, The Owl who is afraid of the Dark! @MissDonnellyBP https:...
Published on: 05-11-2021
Published on: 04-11-2021
Published on: 04-11-2021
Who is this little owl? 🦉🤩👏🏻
Who is this little owl? 🦉🤩👏🏻
Published on: 04-11-2021
P2 made some outdoor art with leaves. Do you recognise this famous book character? 🦉🤩👏🏻🌈
P2 made some outdoor art with leaves. Do you recognise this famous book character? 🦉🤩👏�...
Published on: 04-11-2021
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Published on: 04-11-2021
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Published on: 04-11-2021
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Published on: 04-11-2021
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Published on: 04-11-2021
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Some excellent coding this morning #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
Published on: 04-11-2021
We are taking part in the Code Along Save the Bees and Butterflies #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @codeclubscot
We are taking part in the Code Along Save the Bees and Butterflies #COP26 @DigiLearnScot @...
Published on: 04-11-2021
P2 and P6 are taking part in Outdoor classroom Day. Please wear suitable clothes for outdoor activities tomorrow 🤩@MissDonnellyBP
P2 and P6 are taking part in Outdoor classroom Day. Please wear suitable clothes for outdo...
Published on: 03-11-2021
For health and wellbeing this week we had a think about how the words we use can impact others and even if you say sorry you can't take the words back and it can still hurt and upset us.
For health and wellbeing this week we had a think about how the words we use can impact ot...
Published on: 03-11-2021
This gem was proud as punch to earn 'Homework of the Week' this week, well done! ⭐️🌈
This gem was proud as punch to earn 'Homework of the Week' this week, well done! ⭐️🌈 http...
Published on: 03-11-2021
This superstar is our #BrilliantBankierBairn this week! ⭐️🌈
This superstar is our #BrilliantBankierBairn this week! ⭐️🌈
Published on: 03-11-2021
Today we were debating the use of private planes and motorcades by world leaders attending a Climate Summit. Some very interesting points made 🌎🌎 #COP26
Today we were debating the use of private planes and motorcades by world leaders attending...
Published on: 02-11-2021
Fantastic foxes ! Well done P3 🦊🤩👏🏻
Fantastic foxes ! Well done P3 🦊🤩👏🏻
Published on: 02-11-2021
P3 took part in a live National Museum of Scotland biodiversity event @Miss_AWilson
P3 took part in a live National Museum of Scotland biodiversity event @Miss_AWilson https:...
Published on: 02-11-2021
Thank you! Well done P7 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you! Well done P7 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Published on: 29-10-2021
This week's Brilliant Bairn of the Week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This week's Brilliant Bairn of the Week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Published on: 29-10-2021
Happy Halloween from P7 🎃🎃🎃
Happy Halloween from P7 🎃🎃🎃
Published on: 29-10-2021
Fantastic pumpkin carving for the #BankierHelpingHands pumpkin trail 🎃🎃🎃
Fantastic pumpkin carving for the #BankierHelpingHands pumpkin trail 🎃🎃🎃
Published on: 29-10-2021
Fantastic pumpkin carving for the #BankierHelpingHands pumpkin trail 🎃🎃🎃
Fantastic pumpkin carving for the #BankierHelpingHands pumpkin trail 🎃🎃🎃
Published on: 29-10-2021
Our final challenge used our freshly carved pumpkins to make them erupt 🎃🎃 #FalkirkSTEMpire
Our final challenge used our freshly carved pumpkins to make them erupt 🎃🎃 #FalkirkSTEMp...
Published on: 29-10-2021
In the afternoon, our fifth challenge had us making a Halloween lava lamp by creating a chemical reaction #FalkirkSTEMpire
In the afternoon, our fifth challenge had us making a Halloween lava lamp by creating a ch...
Published on: 29-10-2021
In the afternoon, our fifth challenge had us making a Halloween lava lamp by creating a chemical reaction #FalkirkSTEMpire
In the afternoon, our fifth challenge had us making a Halloween lava lamp by creating a ch...
Published on: 29-10-2021
Our fourth challenge had us dooking for apples but with a twist #FalkirkSTEMpire
Our fourth challenge had us dooking for apples but with a twist #FalkirkSTEMpire https://t...
Published on: 29-10-2021
Our fourth challenge had us dooking for apples but with a twist #FalkirkSTEMpire
Our fourth challenge had us dooking for apples but with a twist #FalkirkSTEMpire https://t...
Published on: 29-10-2021
The third challenge had us making ghosts dance with static electricity #FalkirkSTEMpire
The third challenge had us making ghosts dance with static electricity #FalkirkSTEMpire ht...
Published on: 29-10-2021
Our next challenge involved creating a catapult #FalkirkSTEMpire
Our next challenge involved creating a catapult #FalkirkSTEMpire
Published on: 29-10-2021
We started off our Halloween STEM Day with a challenge to build a haunted house candy structure #FalkirkSTEMpire
We started off our Halloween STEM Day with a challenge to build a haunted house candy stru...
Published on: 29-10-2021
We started off our Halloween STEM Day with a challenge to build a haunted house candy structure #FalkirkSTEMpire
We started off our Halloween STEM Day with a challenge to build a haunted house candy stru...
Published on: 29-10-2021
Today at nursery all of the children dressed up and participated in lots of fun activities. MH and CB were the winners of the Pass the Pumpkin and The Monster Statues. #exploringsensoryexperiences #si
Today at nursery all of the children dressed up and participated in lots of fun activities...
Published on: 29-10-2021
A spooktacular day in P5! Happy Halloween! 🎃 👻
A spooktacular day in P5! Happy Halloween! 🎃 👻
Published on: 29-10-2021
Our Brilliant Bairn this week for primary 2 🎉🌈🤩
Our Brilliant Bairn this week for primary 2 🎉🌈🤩
Published on: 29-10-2021
Some of our Halloween themed play stations this week 🕸🕷👻 (3)
Some of our Halloween themed play stations this week 🕸🕷👻 (3)
Published on: 29-10-2021
We had a fantastic afternoon yesterday tasting and comparing a mix of home grown foods and foods from abroad. We were deciding if importing foods is worth the impact on our carbon footprints and the c
We had a fantastic afternoon yesterday tasting and comparing a mix of home grown foods and...
Published on: 29-10-2021
Some of our Halloween themed play stations this week 🕸🕷👻 (2)
Some of our Halloween themed play stations this week 🕸🕷👻 (2)
Published on: 29-10-2021
Some of our Halloween themed play stations this week 🕸🕷👻 (1)
Some of our Halloween themed play stations this week 🕸🕷👻 (1)
Published on: 29-10-2021
Our class novel study this term is "The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark" 🦉📚 (2)
Our class novel study this term is "The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark" 🦉📚 (2) https://t....
Published on: 29-10-2021
Our class novel study this term is "The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark" 🦉📚 (1)
Our class novel study this term is "The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark" 🦉📚 (1) https://t....
Published on: 29-10-2021
Some Halloween themed Art 🕸🕷🖍
Some Halloween themed Art 🕸🕷🖍
Published on: 29-10-2021
We worked in groups to build shape towers with our ghosts 👻 (2)
We worked in groups to build shape towers with our ghosts 👻 (2)
Published on: 29-10-2021
We worked in groups to build shape towers with our ghosts 👻 (1)
We worked in groups to build shape towers with our ghosts 👻 (1)
Published on: 29-10-2021
We had fun practising our dictionary skills this week by having a Halloween themed 'Dictionary Race' ⭐️🌈
We had fun practising our dictionary skills this week by having a Halloween themed 'Dictio...
Published on: 29-10-2021
Some Halloween themed Art 🕸🕷🖍
Some Halloween themed Art 🕸🕷🖍
Published on: 29-10-2021
Happy Halloween from Primary 2 🕸🕷👻
Happy Halloween from Primary 2 🕸🕷👻
Published on: 29-10-2021
Just a wee reminder about tomorrow 🎃
Just a wee reminder about tomorrow 🎃
Published on: 28-10-2021
We got our hands messy this afternoon, carving our pumpkins in preparation for our Halloween STEM Day tomorrow 🎃🎃🎃
We got our hands messy this afternoon, carving our pumpkins in preparation for our Hallowe...
Published on: 28-10-2021
We got our hands messy this afternoon, carving our pumpkins in preparation for our Halloween STEM Day tomorrow 🎃🎃🎃
We got our hands messy this afternoon, carving our pumpkins in preparation for our Hallowe...
Published on: 28-10-2021
This morning we took part in the #YoungSTEMLeaderWeek and @ourdynamicearth workshop on climate change #STEM #COP26
This morning we took part in the #YoungSTEMLeaderWeek and @ourdynamicearth workshop on cli...
Published on: 28-10-2021
This afternoon we looked at different Scottish inventions #YoungSTEMLeaderWeek
This afternoon we looked at different Scottish inventions #YoungSTEMLeaderWeek https://t.c...
Published on: 27-10-2021
For #YoungSTEMLeaderWeek we looked at different STEM careers. We used Mentimeter and Padlet to share our work ⭐️⭐️⭐️
For #YoungSTEMLeaderWeek we looked at different STEM careers. We used Mentimeter and Padle...
Published on: 27-10-2021
Today in maths we were focusing on the partitioning strategy for addition. We had to use the dice to roll our own questions ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Today in maths we were focusing on the partitioning strategy for addition. We had to use t...
Published on: 27-10-2021
P1 have been busty today🤩👏🏻
P1 have been busty today🤩👏🏻
Published on: 27-10-2021
We started learning about negative numbers today. We looked at thermometers and discussed units of measure and what happens when the temperature gets to below 0! 🥶
We started learning about negative numbers today. We looked at thermometers and discussed ...
Published on: 27-10-2021
We had a visit from Mrs Paton @DennyHighSchool to begin our transition lessons! We can't wait to find out more about high school ⭐️⭐️⭐️
We had a visit from Mrs Paton @DennyHighSchool to begin our transition lessons! We can't w...
Published on: 26-10-2021
Thank you @STEMEduHub for including us in your Twitter moment! Some fantastic ideas from schools across Scotland to highlight climate change 🌎🌎🌎
Thank you @STEMEduHub for including us in your Twitter moment! Some fantastic ideas from s...
Published on: 26-10-2021
This superstar is our #BrilliantBairn this week! ⭐️🌈
This superstar is our #BrilliantBairn this week! ⭐️🌈
Published on: 26-10-2021
What better to do on a windy day in the week before Hallowe'en than to fly some spooky paper plate ghosts? The children helped punch the holes, drew on their spooky ghosty faces and then carefully thr
What better to do on a windy day in the week before Hallowe'en than to fly some spooky pap...
Published on: 26-10-2021
Miss Dobson had some brilliant Bankier bakers to help make another tasty snack.. homemade bread 🍞 They measured, poured, mixed and eventually kneaded the dough and learned that the yeast they added ma
Miss Dobson had some brilliant Bankier bakers to help make another tasty snack.. homemade ...
Published on: 26-10-2021
We have been enjoying some fabulous cooking/baking experiences recently👌Mrs Wright had some special assistants to help make fairy cakes for snack. We followed the recipe cards. We sieved the flour, wh
We have been enjoying some fabulous cooking/baking experiences recently👌Mrs Wright had so...
Published on: 26-10-2021
Published on: 26-10-2021
P3 are making 3D shapes with straws ! 🤩👏🏻🎁💈🛢🎲@Miss_AWilson
P3 are making 3D shapes with straws ! 🤩👏🏻🎁💈🛢🎲@Miss_AWilson
Published on: 26-10-2021
We have a very happy bunch of P7s who were extremely excited to receive a signed photo from @MarcusRashford after sending him some letters. Thank you so much!! We are going to put it on display in our
We have a very happy bunch of P7s who were extremely excited to receive a signed photo fro...
Published on: 25-10-2021
We discussed some ways our school could help challenge gender stereotypes #YoungSTEMLeaderWeek
We discussed some ways our school could help challenge gender stereotypes #YoungSTEMLeader...
Published on: 25-10-2021
To start off #YoungSTEMLeaderWeek we took part in the Gender Stereotypes workshop!
To start off #YoungSTEMLeaderWeek we took part in the Gender Stereotypes workshop! https:...
Published on: 25-10-2021
Our Halloween party will take place this Friday. Children can either dress up or wear their pyjamas. Please DO NOT bring accessories. Also throughout the day the children will still have access to the
Our Halloween party will take place this Friday. Children can either dress up or wear thei...
Published on: 25-10-2021
Our Brilliant Bairn of the Week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Our Brilliant Bairn of the Week ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Published on: 24-10-2021
This is good to hear, well done @Tesco 👏👏👏
This is good to hear, well done @Tesco 👏👏👏
Published on: 22-10-2021
Primary 2 would like to say : "Thank you for the virtual assembly, it was amazing. We loved the songs & pictures. The singing was fantastic. We enjoyed all the facts about Roald Dahl. The song
Primary 2 would like to say : "Thank you for the virtual assembly, it was amazing. We lov...
Published on: 22-10-2021
We were excited to visit the ICT suite this week. We were learning how to insert a table and images into Word.
We were excited to visit the ICT suite this week. We were learning how to insert a table a...
Published on: 22-10-2021
It was very cold yesterday morning and the children were very excited to find ice. 'It's freezing' said K. 'It's breaking when we throw it' said B. #STEM
It was very cold yesterday morning and the children were very excited to find ice. 'It's f...
Published on: 22-10-2021
We are developing our block area outside. The children asked for pallets, pipes and tyres in the area too. B used the blocks to build a house on top of the pallets for his friends to play in . What a
We are developing our block area outside. The children asked for pallets, pipes and tyres ...
Published on: 21-10-2021
R made a beehive with our new blocks 🐝 🧱 @FalkirkFroebel
R made a beehive with our new blocks 🐝 🧱 @FalkirkFroebel
Published on: 21-10-2021
It was our 1st day of using our new outlast blocks. We made some amazing structures with them. We had to use good sharing and cooperation skills . We developed our problem solving skills too. 🧱 @Falki
It was our 1st day of using our new outlast blocks. We made some amazing structures with t...
Published on: 21-10-2021
The children were showing fantastic team work to make a long chain using the learning links. "How long is it?" Said C. They decided to lie along the chain to measure it's length. "Look it fits 5 " STE
The children were showing fantastic team work to make a long chain using the learning link...
Published on: 21-10-2021
Great imaginative play in the block area. W decided to build a house for the 'Three little pigs' to protect them from the big bad wolf. W said 'here is the doorway to get into the house and here is th
Great imaginative play in the block area. W decided to build a house for the 'Three little...
Published on: 21-10-2021
Please wrap up warm today for outdoor play , as it has to be a sunny but cold day. Please remember to label hats and gloves etc with your child's name. Thank you. 🥶🧤🧣
Please wrap up warm today for outdoor play , as it has to be a sunny but cold day. Please...
Published on: 21-10-2021
Excellent work this afternoon in P7! We learned about Bioplastics before making some of our own. We now need to let it set over the next few days #STEMDenny #FalkirkSTEMpire
Excellent work this afternoon in P7! We learned about Bioplastics before making some of ou...
Published on: 20-10-2021
Excellent work this afternoon in P7! We learned about Bioplastics before making some of our own. We now need to let it set over the next few days #STEMDenny #FalkirkSTEMpire
Excellent work this afternoon in P7! We learned about Bioplastics before making some of ou...
Published on: 20-10-2021
Excellent work this afternoon in P7! We learned about Bioplastics before making some of our own. We now need to let it set over the next few days #STEMDenny #FalkirkSTEMpire
Excellent work this afternoon in P7! We learned about Bioplastics before making some of ou...
Published on: 20-10-2021
P5 are super excited to start our new topic focussing on #SDG13ClimateAction. We worked with a partner to discuss our prior knowledge and created individual 'issue trees'. We will use our ideas from o
P5 are super excited to start our new topic focussing on #SDG13ClimateAction. We worked wi...
Published on: 20-10-2021
Our 4th box of outlast outdoor blocks arrived from @community_play 🎉🎉🎉🧱📦🤩 . Now to start building 😀 @FalkirkFroebel @froebeledin @FroebelTrust @LintonLass
Our 4th box of outlast outdoor blocks arrived from @community_play 🎉🎉🎉🧱📦🤩 . Now to ...
Published on: 20-10-2021
We carried out an experiment to identify different types of plastic. We used a sorting key to help us #STEMDenny #FalkirkSTEMpire
We carried out an experiment to identify different types of plastic. We used a sorting key...
Published on: 19-10-2021
Today we have been looking at plastic waste as part of our #COP26 and #ClimateChange topic. We started by looking at decomposition times for different items and were very surprised by the results 🌎 ht
Today we have been looking at plastic waste as part of our #COP26 and #ClimateChange topic...
Published on: 19-10-2021
This was our Brilliant Bairn of the Week just before the holidays ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was our Brilliant Bairn of the Week just before the holidays ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Published on: 19-10-2021
Who doesn't love hiding in a big cardboard 🤩 📦
Who doesn't love hiding in a big cardboard 🤩 📦
Published on: 19-10-2021
Mrs Doctor was sooooooo happy today when the new outlast blocks arrived from @community_play . What amazing creations will we make outdoors?? Watch this space🤩 🧱🧱 @FalkirkFroebel @froebeledin https://
Mrs Doctor was sooooooo happy today when the new outlast blocks arrived from @community_pl...
Published on: 19-10-2021
What an exciting day 🤩🤩.....3 massive boxes arrived from @community_play . The children helped to unbox our new outdoor outlast blocks. We can't wait to play with them outside tomorrow 🧱🧱 "These are
What an exciting day 🤩🤩.....3 massive boxes arrived from @community_play . The children ...
Published on: 19-10-2021
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Primary 2 this week ✏️😃
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Prima...
Published on: 19-10-2021
This weeks Brilliant Bairns 🤩👏🏼
This weeks Brilliant Bairns 🤩👏🏼
Published on: 19-10-2021
The nursery/school photos have been rescheduled to this Friday (22nd). We normally try to get the nursery children's photos taken first if it is possible.
The nursery/school photos have been rescheduled to this Friday (22nd). We normally try to ...
Published on: 19-10-2021
Very excited to take on this new role! Please share and follow the new page ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Very excited to take on this new role! Please share and follow the new page ⭐️⭐️⭐️ https:/...
Published on: 18-10-2021
Our Brilliant Bairn of the Week ⭐️⭐️⭐️ this boy always goes above and beyond to ensure our classroom is tidy and safe.
Our Brilliant Bairn of the Week ⭐️⭐️⭐️ this boy always goes above and beyond to ensure our...
Published on: 18-10-2021
Kayla made this paper chain to display in our room. It is made with all the names of the pupils and staff in our classroom. Beautiful 💖
Kayla made this paper chain to display in our room. It is made with all the names of the p...
Published on: 18-10-2021
Some of the amazing fact files about influential mathematicians! @numhubchampfalk
Some of the amazing fact files about influential mathematicians! @numhubchampfalk https://...
Published on: 18-10-2021
Some of the amazing fact files about influential mathematicians! @numhubchampfalk
Some of the amazing fact files about influential mathematicians! @numhubchampfalk https://...
Published on: 18-10-2021
Some of the amazing fact files about influential mathematicians! @numhubchampfalk
Some of the amazing fact files about influential mathematicians! @numhubchampfalk https://...
Published on: 18-10-2021
Some information on how using a dummy can affect a child's speech.
Some information on how using a dummy can affect a child's speech.
Published on: 14-10-2021
The children were using their creative skills after reading the 'Leaf Man' story. They wanted to make their own leaf men. Lots of imagination went into today's creations. "I'm giving mine legs" said J
The children were using their creative skills after reading the 'Leaf Man' story. They wan...
Published on: 08-10-2021
A fantastic house assembly live from P5! ⭐️🌈
A fantastic house assembly live from P5! ⭐️🌈
Published on: 08-10-2021
B recently earned his green belt in Taekwondo. He was super excited to learn a new pattern called 'Wan Hyo' which he wanted to demonstrate to the class, we were super impressed! ⭐️🌈
B recently earned his green belt in Taekwondo. He was super excited to learn a new pattern...
Published on: 08-10-2021
We went on a leaf hunt today at the woods. We found lots of different coloured leaves on the ground and collected them in our bags. It was very rainy but we sat under the tarp for our story and it mad
We went on a leaf hunt today at the woods. We found lots of different coloured leaves on t...
Published on: 08-10-2021
For our writing this week we worked with an elbow partner to identify good features of a piece of text before continuing the story in the same style as the author. We then used 2 stars and a wish to s
For our writing this week we worked with an elbow partner to identify good features of a p...
Published on: 08-10-2021
The green & blue group (Mrs Przybylinski/Noble & Mrs Doctors groups) will be visiting the woods tomorrow l. Can children come dressed for the weather please with wellies and comfy/warm clothin
The green & blue group (Mrs Przybylinski/Noble & Mrs Doctors groups) will be visit...
Published on: 07-10-2021
Just a reminder that we finish up for our October break tomorrow and we are closed for just over a week. Monday the 18th is an inservice day and we look forward to welcoming all our children and famil
Just a reminder that we finish up for our October break tomorrow and we are closed for jus...
Published on: 07-10-2021
We had a teams meeting this afternoon with @Miss_AWilson and @MissCMcPhee to discuss waste free lunches. We're hoping to encourage everyone to take part in 'Waste Free Wednesdays'! Keep your eyes peel
We had a teams meeting this afternoon with @Miss_AWilson and @MissCMcPhee to discuss waste...
Published on: 07-10-2021
In science we have been learning about 'The Water Cycle'. Wee created our own water cycles. Ask us what we know! ⭐️🌈
In science we have been learning about 'The Water Cycle'. Wee created our own water cycles...
Published on: 07-10-2021
What a superstar! Everyone at Bankier is very proud of you Siobhan ⭐️🇬🇧⭐️
What a superstar! Everyone at Bankier is very proud of you Siobhan ⭐️🇬🇧⭐️
Published on: 07-10-2021
In numeracy today some of the class has the chance to 'be the teacher' and share their understanding of subtraction calculations using exchanging.
In numeracy today some of the class has the chance to 'be the teacher' and share their und...
Published on: 06-10-2021
Thank you to Mrs Kirk from our school who brought us in 2 Scots Pine trees to plant in our nursery garden. 🌲🌲 #OctoberOutdoors @FCEYteam @FalkirkEYP @FalkirkELC @FalkirkFroebel @outdoorfalkirk https:/
Thank you to Mrs Kirk from our school who brought us in 2 Scots Pine trees to plant in our...
Published on: 06-10-2021
Look how big or sunflowers have grown. It was time to chop the heads of some of them so we can dry them out and gather the seeds.We picked a few of the seeds out to have a look inside.🌻 #OctoberOutdoo
Look how big or sunflowers have grown. It was time to chop the heads of some of them so we...
Published on: 06-10-2021
We had a special visitor to our nursery. Nurse Claire came to give us a talk on first aid. We learned lots of first aid techniques, practiced bandaging each other arms & listened to our hearts wit
We had a special visitor to our nursery. Nurse Claire came to give us a talk on first aid....
Published on: 06-10-2021
Let's make sure everyone is included this Halloween 🎃 ☺️
Let's make sure everyone is included this Halloween 🎃 ☺️
Published on: 05-10-2021
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Primary 2 this week ✏️😃
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Prima...
Published on: 05-10-2021
Primary 1 & 2 created a graph to display their favourite fruit. Mr McFarlane gave us fruit to celebrate cycle to school week. 😁🍌🍊🍏🍎🍇 (2) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan @SMcF_PT
Primary 1 & 2 created a graph to display their favourite fruit. Mr McFarlane gave us f...
Published on: 05-10-2021
Primary 1 & 2 created a graph to display their favourite fruit. Mr McFarlane gave us fruit to celebrate cycle to school week. 😁🍌🍊🍏🍎🍇 (1) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan @SMcF_PT
Primary 1 & 2 created a graph to display their favourite fruit. Mr McFarlane gave us f...
Published on: 05-10-2021
We finished the party with a wee celebration all together. 🎉🎈🎂 @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
We finished the party with a wee celebration all together. 🎉🎈🎂 @MrsAChok @MissRCallagha...
Published on: 05-10-2021
We enjoyed playing party games at Jacks birthday Party. 😁🎈🎉 @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
We enjoyed playing party games at Jacks birthday Party. 😁🎈🎉 @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan h...
Published on: 05-10-2021
We had a special guest at our party. Mrs Ritchie joined in our party games. 😁🎈🎉 (1) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
We had a special guest at our party. Mrs Ritchie joined in our party games. 😁🎈🎉 (1) @Mr...
Published on: 05-10-2021
Some snaps from our birthday party for Jack. We enjoyed playing party games. 😁🎈🎉 (4) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
Some snaps from our birthday party for Jack. We enjoyed playing party games. 😁🎈🎉 (4) @M...
Published on: 05-10-2021
Some snaps from our birthday party for Jack. We enjoyed playing party games. 😁🎈🎉 (3) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
Some snaps from our birthday party for Jack. We enjoyed playing party games. 😁🎈🎉 (3) @M...
Published on: 05-10-2021
Some snaps from our birthday party for Jack. We enjoyed playing party games. 😁🎈🎉 (2) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
Some snaps from our birthday party for Jack. We enjoyed playing party games. 😁🎈🎉 (2) @M...
Published on: 05-10-2021
Some snaps from our birthday party for Jack. We enjoyed playing party games. 😁🎈🎉 (1) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
Some snaps from our birthday party for Jack. We enjoyed playing party games. 😁🎈🎉 (1) @M...
Published on: 05-10-2021
Working hard in Primary 2 this morning 😁 (2)
Working hard in Primary 2 this morning 😁 (2)
Published on: 05-10-2021
Working hard in Primary 2 this morning 😁
Working hard in Primary 2 this morning 😁
Published on: 05-10-2021
Our wonderful chestnut tree in our nursery garden. We observe it through the differing seasons. It's a shelter in the winter and a shady area in the summer. 🥰 #TreeOfTheWeek @WoodlandTrust https://t.c
Our wonderful chestnut tree in our nursery garden. We observe it through the differing sea...
Published on: 05-10-2021
Our tyre obstacle course 🤩
Our tyre obstacle course 🤩
Published on: 04-10-2021
Our tyre obstacle course 🤩 @outdoorfalkirk
Our tyre obstacle course 🤩 @outdoorfalkirk
Published on: 04-10-2021
We created our own obstacle course with the tyres. The children decided where the tyres would go then tried it out. @outdoorfalkirk #grossmotorskills #confidentindividuals #teamwork 🤩
We created our own obstacle course with the tyres. The children decided where the tyres wo...
Published on: 04-10-2021
Unfortunately the Tempest photos have had to be postponed. The school will be in contact as soon as they have a new date. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Unfortunately the Tempest photos have had to be postponed. The school will be in contact a...
Published on: 04-10-2021
Lots of good imaginative play in the block area. These two boys spent a lot of time telling a paw patrol story using the blocks & accessories as props. Building boats and lookout towers to add to
Lots of good imaginative play in the block area. These two boys spent a lot of time tellin...
Published on: 04-10-2021
The Purple and Red groups had a brilliant #ForestFriday adventure! We did some nature sewing and weaving with leaves, twigs and branches we found 🍃🪡We made broomsticks from larger branches, using them
The Purple and Red groups had a brilliant #ForestFriday adventure! We did some nature sewi...
Published on: 03-10-2021
Tempest photos will take place for all nursery and school children on Tuesday 5th October. The nursery staff will take your child to the hall at their allocated time slot. 📷
Tempest photos will take place for all nursery and school children on Tuesday 5th October....
Published on: 02-10-2021
What a lovely baking experience today☺️ Ms Riaz brought in the ingredients to make fresh chapati's 🫓 The children helped to weigh, measure and create the dough, then roll it out to create the "circle
What a lovely baking experience today☺️ Ms Riaz brought in the ingredients to make fresh c...
Published on: 01-10-2021
We had a busy day in PE today. We had fun trying to move in the hall using different body parts. Some of us also had the chance to 'Be the Teacher' for the bean game! 🌈⭐️
We had a busy day in PE today. We had fun trying to move in the hall using different body ...
Published on: 01-10-2021
M is this weeks #BrilliantBairn he is such a loved member of our class and is friends with absolutely everyone. He consistently demonstrates our school rules of 'Ready, Respectful and Safe' and is alw
M is this weeks #BrilliantBairn he is such a loved member of our class and is friends with...
Published on: 01-10-2021
This superstar was surprised to be picked for Homework of the Week! His work was completed to a very high standard and set out perfectly! Well done L! ⭐️🌈
This superstar was surprised to be picked for Homework of the Week! His work was completed...
Published on: 01-10-2021
The boys were discovering that circle shapes can roll. L said "it's a circle". C said "it's rolling fast". #Stem #successfullearners #confidentindividuals @FCETeam @FalkirkEYP @FalkirkFroebel @Falkirk
The boys were discovering that circle shapes can roll. L said "it's a circle". C said "it'...
Published on: 01-10-2021
We have a birthday boy who shares a birthday with Jack 🎈 we are all ready to party 🎈 @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
We have a birthday boy who shares a birthday with Jack 🎈 we are all ready to party 🎈 @Mr...
Published on: 01-10-2021
We are excited to be going to Jack's 10th Birthday party with the Primary 1's are part of our thematic maths. 🎈
We are excited to be going to Jack's 10th Birthday party with the Primary 1's are part of ...
Published on: 01-10-2021
School meal and breakfast club prices will increase from this Monday. Apologies for the short notice; we have just been informed. The prices are as follows: Pupil - £2.25 Adult - £4.40 Breakfast Clu
School meal and breakfast club prices will increase from this Monday. Apologies for the sh...
Published on: 01-10-2021
I think this is the Eiffel Tower!🤩👏🏻
I think this is the Eiffel Tower!🤩👏🏻
Published on: 30-09-2021
This is me being a scientist! Mason 🤩👏🏻🌈@RAiSE_falkirk
This is me being a scientist! Mason 🤩👏🏻🌈@RAiSE_falkirk
Published on: 30-09-2021
P2 discussed ice , water and steam . We thought of how to describe the different states of water 💧❄️☁️🤩👏🏻
P2 discussed ice , water and steam . We thought of how to describe the different states of...
Published on: 30-09-2021
It was a very popular snack this morning….yummy toast 😋 so popular that there was a queue to wash up the dishes ☺️ All the children waited patiently, chatting to each other whilst they waited. #respon
It was a very popular snack this morning….yummy toast 😋 so popular that there was a queue...
Published on: 30-09-2021
The purple & red group (Mrs Livingstone & Mrs Wrights groups) will be visiting the woods. Can children come dressed for the weather please with wellies and comfy/warm clothing. The children wi
The purple & red group (Mrs Livingstone & Mrs Wrights groups) will be visiting the...
Published on: 30-09-2021
We're very lucky to have out amazing parent and grandparent helpers at Bankier! P1 you look like you had an amazing time today! A huge thank you to Mr Cowie and Mr Cunningham for making this possible
We're very lucky to have out amazing parent and grandparent helpers at Bankier! P1 you loo...
Published on: 29-09-2021
Lovely to see so many bikes during Bike to School Week #BikeToSchoolWeek
Lovely to see so many bikes during Bike to School Week #BikeToSchoolWeek
Published on: 29-09-2021
After finding out about Climate Change we recorded on #Jamboard how the school could help. We carried out a survey which resulted in us creating an action plan for the school. We can't wait to share t
After finding out about Climate Change we recorded on #Jamboard how the school could help....
Published on: 29-09-2021
We read the short story Math Curse and created our own versions of the story #MathsWeekScot #makeSUMthingofmathsinFalkirk #Falkirknumeracyforall
We read the short story Math Curse and created our own versions of the story #MathsWeekSco...
Published on: 29-09-2021
We had maths themed art today. We created "Curves of Pursuit" where straight edge shapes give the illusion of a curve 🎨 #MathsWeekScot #makeSUMthingofmathsinFalkirk #Falkirknumeracyforall
We had maths themed art today. We created "Curves of Pursuit" where straight edge shapes g...
Published on: 29-09-2021
We had maths themed art today. We created "Curves of Pursuit" where straight edge shapes give the illusion of a curve 🎨 #MathsWeekScot #makeSUMthingofmathsinFalkirk #Falkirknumeracyforall
We had maths themed art today. We created "Curves of Pursuit" where straight edge shapes g...
Published on: 29-09-2021
We worked on a challenge from #BalfourBeatty to plan and design a £10million school. We had to make executive decisions to ensure we stayed in budget and met the appropriate criteria #STEM @RAiSE_falk
We worked on a challenge from #BalfourBeatty to plan and design a £10million school. We ha...
Published on: 29-09-2021
Please listen to P1! Keep safe when out and about!🤩👏🏻🌈@MrsAChok
Please listen to P1! Keep safe when out and about!🤩👏🏻🌈@MrsAChok
Published on: 29-09-2021
Cool addition work from P2!🤩👏🏻
Cool addition work from P2!🤩👏🏻
Published on: 29-09-2021
Amazing building skills P1 👏🏻🤩🌈
Amazing building skills P1 👏🏻🤩🌈
Published on: 29-09-2021
Amazing work P1 🤩👏🏻🌈🚴🏻♀️@MrsAChok
Amazing work P1 🤩👏🏻🌈🚴🏻♀️@MrsAChok
Published on: 29-09-2021
Published on: 29-09-2021
Fantastic bright colours guys!🤩👏🏻🌈@MrsAChok
Fantastic bright colours guys!🤩👏🏻🌈@MrsAChok
Published on: 29-09-2021
P1 have been busy designing tabards to keep safe when out and about! @MrsAChok
P1 have been busy designing tabards to keep safe when out and about! @MrsAChok https://t.c...
Published on: 29-09-2021
A safety message from P1C🤩👏🏻@MissRCallaghan @SMcF_PT
A safety message from P1C🤩👏🏻@MissRCallaghan @SMcF_PT
Published on: 29-09-2021
Keep safe with P1C @MissRCallaghan
Keep safe with P1C @MissRCallaghan
Published on: 29-09-2021
We were using maps to calculate the total travel time for our thematic maths this morning.
We were using maps to calculate the total travel time for our thematic maths this morning....
Published on: 29-09-2021
Published on: 29-09-2021
P1 designed bright tabards to keep safe🚴🏻♂️🤩👏🏻@MissRCallaghan
P1 designed bright tabards to keep safe🚴🏻♂️🤩👏🏻@MissRCallaghan
Published on: 29-09-2021
P1 designed bright tabards to stay safe !🤩🌈🚴🏻♀️🚴🏻♂️@MissRCallaghan
P1 designed bright tabards to stay safe !🤩🌈🚴🏻♀️🚴🏻♂️@MissRCallaghan
Published on: 29-09-2021
It was delicious, warm crumpets for snack today. The boys and girls are getting really good at spreading the butter and jam. Yum. 😋 #marvellousmeals #independence #confidentindividuals
It was delicious, warm crumpets for snack today. The boys and girls are getting really goo...
Published on: 29-09-2021
It's been such a joy to see our clubs up and running this term! We're going to have even more fun after school clubs available in the coming weeks so watch this space!! 🤩😉😍
It's been such a joy to see our clubs up and running this term! We're going to have even m...
Published on: 28-09-2021
@Miss_AWilson @SMcF_PT
@Miss_AWilson @SMcF_PT
Published on: 28-09-2021
Safe cycling routes were planned by P3 🤩🚴🏻♀️👏🏻
Safe cycling routes were planned by P3 🤩🚴🏻♀️👏🏻
Published on: 28-09-2021
P3 are planning a safe cycle 🚴🏻♀️🚴🏻♀️🤩👏🏻
P3 are planning a safe cycle 🚴🏻♀️🚴🏻♀️🤩👏🏻
Published on: 28-09-2021
P3 are thinking of safe cycling! We planned a safe cycle route🤩👏🏻🚴🏻♀️🚴🏻♀️
P3 are thinking of safe cycling! We planned a safe cycle route🤩👏🏻🚴🏻♀️🚴🏻♀️ https:/...
Published on: 28-09-2021
Lots of learning through play in our garden. The children built stepping stones & counted them as they stepped on them. We numbered them & played number games with them. They played 'counting
Lots of learning through play in our garden. The children built stepping stones & coun...
Published on: 28-09-2021
Lots of singing in the nursery garden today. We were practising our counting too. 🚀@FCEYteam @FalkirkEYP @FalkirkFroebel @FalkirkELC @numhubchampfalk @mathsweekscot
Lots of singing in the nursery garden today. We were practising our counting too. 🚀@FCEYt...
Published on: 28-09-2021
Our Marvellous meals menu for this year.
Our Marvellous meals menu for this year.
Published on: 27-09-2021
Developing self service skills at the lunch table today. #marvellousmeals #lifeskills
Developing self service skills at the lunch table today. #marvellousmeals #lifeskills http...
Published on: 27-09-2021
It's a splashing in puddles kind of day! 🌦️☔ #Outdoorplay #rainyday
It's a splashing in puddles kind of day! 🌦️☔ #Outdoorplay #rainyday
Published on: 27-09-2021
Thank you to Grandma Doctor who has made this beautiful Autumn garland for our sewing and weaving area. 🍂🧵🍁 #autumncolours #homemade @FalkirkFroebel @agreentiger
Thank you to Grandma Doctor who has made this beautiful Autumn garland for our sewing and ...
Published on: 27-09-2021
We had a fab morning having a small Juso taster session with Jordan from @destinationjudo this morning! A massive thank you from P5!
We had a fab morning having a small Juso taster session with Jordan from @destinationjudo ...
Published on: 27-09-2021
Fabulous imaginative play at the playdough! W used the resources to build his fire pit and even remembered the safety rules 👍 @FalkirkFroebel @outdoorfalkirk
Fabulous imaginative play at the playdough! W used the resources to build his fire pit and...
Published on: 27-09-2021
Exploring signs of Autumn in the playdough 🍂 #creativity #seasons @FalkirkFroebel
Exploring signs of Autumn in the playdough 🍂 #creativity #seasons @FalkirkFroebel https:/...
Published on: 27-09-2021
Fabulous counting and number recognition with our Autumn resources this morning 🌰🍂🍁@FCEYteam @FalkirkEYP @FalkirkFroebel @FalkirkELC @numhubchampfalk @mathsweekscot
Fabulous counting and number recognition with our Autumn resources this morning 🌰🍂🍁@FCE...
Published on: 27-09-2021
Fabulous counting and number recognition with our Autumn resources this morning 🌰🍂🍁@FCEYteam @FalkirkEYP @FalkirkFroebel @FalkirkELC @numhubchampfalk @mathsweekscot
Fabulous counting and number recognition with our Autumn resources this morning 🌰🍂🍁@FCE...
Published on: 27-09-2021
Some of our children have been having fun this morning learning about numbers. They have been playing with the number puzzles and learning to quantify the numbers. @FCEYteam @FalkirkEYP @FalkirkFroebe
Some of our children have been having fun this morning learning about numbers. They have b...
Published on: 27-09-2021
Fabulous counting and number recognition with our Autumn resources this morning 🌰🍂🍁@FCEYteam @FalkirkEYP @FalkirkFroebel @FalkirkELC @numhubchampfalk @mathsweekscot
Fabulous counting and number recognition with our Autumn resources this morning 🌰🍂🍁@FCE...
Published on: 27-09-2021
I wonder what our sound could be this week... we discussed our tuff tray together this morning to discover our sound.
I wonder what our sound could be this week... we discussed our tuff tray together this mor...
Published on: 27-09-2021
Our Primary 2 Brilliant Bairn this week 😃🌈🌟
Our Primary 2 Brilliant Bairn this week 😃🌈🌟
Published on: 27-09-2021
Primary 2 would like to say : " A huge big thank you to P5 for a very special virtual assembly. It was amazing. Thank you for the great effort. The singing was incredible. Fantastic assembly. It
Primary 2 would like to say : " A huge big thank you to P5 for a very special virtual ass...
Published on: 24-09-2021
On Wednesday for our thematic Maths task P1 & P2 created invitations to give to our friends to attend Jack's 10th Birthday Party. (4) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
On Wednesday for our thematic Maths task P1 & P2 created invitations to give to our fr...
Published on: 24-09-2021
On Wednesday for our thematic Maths task P1 & P2 created invitations to give to our friends to attend Jack's 10th Birthday Party. (3) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
On Wednesday for our thematic Maths task P1 & P2 created invitations to give to our fr...
Published on: 24-09-2021
On Wednesday for our thematic Maths task P1 & P2 created invitations to give to our friends to attend Jack's 10th Birthday Party. (2) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
On Wednesday for our thematic Maths task P1 & P2 created invitations to give to our fr...
Published on: 24-09-2021
On Wednesday for our thematic Maths task P1 & P2 created invitations to give to our friends to attend Jack's 10th Birthday Party. (1) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
On Wednesday for our thematic Maths task P1 & P2 created invitations to give to our fr...
Published on: 24-09-2021
For one of our activities in PE we played 20 questions. Some people who were following our rules of 'Ready, Respectful and Safe' got to be the leader! ⭐️🌈
For one of our activities in PE we played 20 questions. Some people who were following our...
Published on: 24-09-2021
Mrs E was being well looked after by P2. Lots of yummy food being served to her 🤩👏🏻😋😋
Mrs E was being well looked after by P2. Lots of yummy food being served to her 🤩👏🏻😋😋...
Published on: 23-09-2021
M is so proud of his vehicle🤩👏🏻
M is so proud of his vehicle🤩👏🏻
Published on: 23-09-2021
King for a day! D sat in the chair he had built🤩👏🏻🤴
King for a day! D sat in the chair he had built🤩👏🏻🤴
Published on: 23-09-2021
We had an in-class premiere of our assembly this afternoon! We're all super excited and nervous to share this with you! We've worked super hard and Miss France is super proud of our efforts! Our assem
We had an in-class premiere of our assembly this afternoon! We're all super excited and ne...
Published on: 23-09-2021
P2 are reading Who Swallowed Stanley! We are making colourful fish for our food chain 🦈🐠🐟@RAiSE_falkirk
P2 are reading Who Swallowed Stanley! We are making colourful fish for our food chain 🦈🐠...
Published on: 23-09-2021
B made this! He told us he had 100🤩👏🏻
B made this! He told us he had 100🤩👏🏻
Published on: 23-09-2021
We're making promotional leaflets and posters for our destination countries as part of our thematic maths topic.
We're making promotional leaflets and posters for our destination countries as part of our...
Published on: 22-09-2021
P3 are keeping safe!
P3 are keeping safe!
Published on: 21-09-2021
P1 & P2 enjoyed PE together this afternoon. We were using our throwing skills, balancing skills & coordination skills. @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan (3) 😁
P1 & P2 enjoyed PE together this afternoon. We were using our throwing skills, balanci...
Published on: 21-09-2021
P1 & P2 enjoyed PE together this afternoon. We were using our throwing skills, balancing skills & coordination skills. @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan (2) 😁
P1 & P2 enjoyed PE together this afternoon. We were using our throwing skills, balanci...
Published on: 21-09-2021
P1 & P2 enjoyed PE together this afternoon. We were using our throwing skills, balancing skills & coordination skills. @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan (1) 😁
P1 & P2 enjoyed PE together this afternoon. We were using our throwing skills, balanci...
Published on: 21-09-2021
Someone is very proud of their work🤩
Someone is very proud of their work🤩
Published on: 21-09-2021
We have been learning about adjectives today. (4) We know they can make our sentences more interesting and exciting. 😁
We have been learning about adjectives today. (4) We know they can make our sentences more...
Published on: 21-09-2021
We have been learning about adjectives today. (3) We know they can make our sentences more interesting and exciting. 😁
We have been learning about adjectives today. (3) We know they can make our sentences more...
Published on: 21-09-2021
We have been learning about adjectives today. (2) We know they can make our sentences more interesting and exciting. 😁
We have been learning about adjectives today. (2) We know they can make our sentences more...
Published on: 21-09-2021
We have been learning about adjectives today. (1) We know they can make our sentences more interesting and exciting. 😁
We have been learning about adjectives today. (1) We know they can make our sentences more...
Published on: 21-09-2021
Published on: 21-09-2021
Target number 10! Look at how P3 can make 10🤩🏹
Target number 10! Look at how P3 can make 10🤩🏹
Published on: 21-09-2021
P1 & P2 were sent a special letter from Jack & the Beanstalk to help plan his party as part of our Thematic Maths. 🎈🎉 @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
P1 & P2 were sent a special letter from Jack & the Beanstalk to help plan his part...
Published on: 21-09-2021
P1 & P2 are marking important dates on a calendar as part of our Thematic Maths 📆 (3) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
P1 & P2 are marking important dates on a calendar as part of our Thematic Maths 📆 (3)...
Published on: 21-09-2021
P1 & P2 are marking important dates on a calendar as part of our Thematic Maths 📆 (2) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
P1 & P2 are marking important dates on a calendar as part of our Thematic Maths 📆 (2)...
Published on: 21-09-2021
P1 & P2 are marking important dates on a calendar as part of our Thematic Maths 📆 (1) @MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
P1 & P2 are marking important dates on a calendar as part of our Thematic Maths 📆 (1)...
Published on: 21-09-2021
This superstar earned our first ever 'Homework of the Week' award. He completed all tasks to an exceptional standard, well done B! ⭐️🌈
This superstar earned our first ever 'Homework of the Week' award. He completed all tasks ...
Published on: 21-09-2021
This absolute super star is this weeks #BrilliantBairn. She brings her best self to school every single day, always follows our school rules and is a great friend looking after others, well done, I'm
This absolute super star is this weeks #BrilliantBairn. She brings her best self to school...
Published on: 21-09-2021
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Primary 2 this week ✏️😃
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Prima...
Published on: 20-09-2021
Our Primary 2 Brilliant Bairn this week 😃🌈🌟
Our Primary 2 Brilliant Bairn this week 😃🌈🌟
Published on: 17-09-2021
P5 discussed the impact of buying food from other countries yesterday and the effect food miles has on climate change. We then shared our ideas and suggestions with P3 and P4 @MissCMcPhee
P5 discussed the impact of buying food from other countries yesterday and the effect food ...
Published on: 17-09-2021
Our Coding Club was a huge success tonight. @MrsAChok and our primary 4 coders have made us super proud! Can't wait to see all the fun you have over the coming weeks! 😁
Our Coding Club was a huge success tonight. @MrsAChok and our primary 4 coders have made u...
Published on: 16-09-2021
Wonder what we will be doing ?🌱🐓💰@MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
Wonder what we will be doing ?🌱🐓💰@MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
Published on: 16-09-2021
P1AC and P1RC joined with P2 to introduce our thematic maths topic! 🌱@MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan
P1AC and P1RC joined with P2 to introduce our thematic maths topic! 🌱@MrsAChok @MissRCall...
Published on: 16-09-2021
We have been working with partners to plan and research a holiday with a given budget as part of our thematic maths! Ask us where we're going!
We have been working with partners to plan and research a holiday with a given budget as p...
Published on: 15-09-2021
It was all very zen at the P4 and P5 yoga club tonight 🧘♀️ 🧘♂️ 🧘 A massive thank you to @MissDonnellyBP 🙏. Get in touch with the office if you want to sign your child up 👈 @FalkirkSport
It was all very zen at the P4 and P5 yoga club tonight 🧘♀️ 🧘♂️ 🧘 A massive thank you ...
Published on: 14-09-2021
L is this weeks #BrilliantBairn I have watched her continually be a kind and helpful pupil. She is always looking after her friends and makes sure everyone is safe. Thank for being a shining star! 🌈⭐️
L is this weeks #BrilliantBairn I have watched her continually be a kind and helpful pupil...
Published on: 14-09-2021
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Primary 2 this week ✏️😃
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Prima...
Published on: 14-09-2021
P4 and P5 yoga club takes place at 3 o'clock today. Please get in touch with the office if you'd like your child to attend. It will run for a 4 week block so still time to sign-up for future classe😁 h
P4 and P5 yoga club takes place at 3 o'clock today. Please get in touch with the office if...
Published on: 14-09-2021
Thank you so much to the Bankier Helping Hands for these stunning flowers! I have enjoyed working with you over the past few years and wish you all the best for the future 💐🌈🌟
Thank you so much to the Bankier Helping Hands for these stunning flowers! I have enjoyed ...
Published on: 10-09-2021
Our Primary 2 Brilliant Bairn this week 😃🌈🌟
Our Primary 2 Brilliant Bairn this week 😃🌈🌟
Published on: 10-09-2021
Fantastic to have our clubs up and running again. Our teachers are so excited about their clubs. Yoga and coding to come next week. Full list of clubs and dates to follow soon! 😀
Fantastic to have our clubs up and running again. Our teachers are so excited about their ...
Published on: 09-09-2021
There was some serious fun in P7 today. We can't wait to see your finished globes!🌍
There was some serious fun in P7 today. We can't wait to see your finished globes!🌍 https...
Published on: 08-09-2021
A massive Bankier thank you to Malcolm and all of our volunteers this morning. The boys and girls were over the moon to see how all of your hard work means they can start planting their vegetable seed
A massive Bankier thank you to Malcolm and all of our volunteers this morning. The boys an...
Published on: 08-09-2021
I wonder.....what wall display Miss Donnelly was beginning to create last night 🤔
I wonder.....what wall display Miss Donnelly was beginning to create last night 🤔 https:/...
Published on: 08-09-2021
In PE we're concentrating on our breathing as part of learning about fitness. One activity we tried was 'scream running' to see how far we could run on one breath! Look at us go! 🤗
In PE we're concentrating on our breathing as part of learning about fitness. One activity...
Published on: 08-09-2021
In PE we're concentrating on our breathing as part of learning about fitness. One activity we tried was 'scream running' to see how far we could run on one breath! Look at us go! 🤗
In PE we're concentrating on our breathing as part of learning about fitness. One activity...
Published on: 08-09-2021
J was our Brilliant Bairn last week! This hard worker is always kind, polite and hard working. He is an absolute asset to our class, well done J! 🌈⭐️
J was our Brilliant Bairn last week! This hard worker is always kind, polite and hard work...
Published on: 08-09-2021
P3 are thinking about safety in the playground 🤓
P3 are thinking about safety in the playground 🤓
Published on: 07-09-2021
P3 sorted 2D shapes and discussed their properties 🔴🟢🟧♦️
P3 sorted 2D shapes and discussed their properties 🔴🟢🟧♦️
Published on: 07-09-2021
P3 did a bit of shape sorting! Looking for pentagons👀
P3 did a bit of shape sorting! Looking for pentagons👀
Published on: 07-09-2021
Don't forget to pop along tomorrow morning (08/09/21) at 9:15am if you can help us get our school gardens in ship shape. Please bring a spade/fork if you have one and we'll supply the tea and biscuits
Don't forget to pop along tomorrow morning (08/09/21) at 9:15am if you can help us get our...
Published on: 07-09-2021
Getting our pupils back in the dinner hall today was amazing! P7 did a brilliant job supporting P1s and all other classes were a credit too. Thank you dinner ladies ☺️@MrsAChok @MissRCallaghan @MissDo
Getting our pupils back in the dinner hall today was amazing! P7 did a brilliant job suppo...
Published on: 06-09-2021
Primary 2 are delighted to be back in the lunch hall today 🍽
Primary 2 are delighted to be back in the lunch hall today 🍽
Published on: 06-09-2021
We're all ready for hot lunches 🥳🌈🌟
We're all ready for hot lunches 🥳🌈🌟
Published on: 06-09-2021
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Primary 2 this week ✏️😃
Our words of the week, sounds of the week and area of maths we will be working on in Prima...
Published on: 06-09-2021
We're going to have some brilliant clubs on offer this year at Bankier Primary! Watch this space @FalkirkSport 😉😍
We're going to have some brilliant clubs on offer this year at Bankier Primary! Watch this...
Published on: 04-09-2021
Our Bairns are looking for adults to come along and do some of the heavy digging required to creat a vegetable patch and a flower garden. We'll need helpers on the morning of Wednesday 8th Sept for an
Our Bairns are looking for adults to come along and do some of the heavy digging required ...
Published on: 03-09-2021
This weeks Brilliant Bairn. Well done Superstar 😁🌟🌈
This weeks Brilliant Bairn. Well done Superstar 😁🌟🌈
Published on: 03-09-2021
F has been a shining Bankier Star and earned our Brilliant Bairn award this week. He is always is very best self and gives 100% to all class tasks, well done!⭐️🌈
F has been a shining Bankier Star and earned our Brilliant Bairn award this week. He is al...
Published on: 30-08-2021
Another awesome #BrilliantBankierBairn from P2! This girl always tries her best & is so helpful & kind 🤩 @beingbrilliant @Andrew_BlackAOB 🌈🌟
Another awesome #BrilliantBankierBairn from P2! This girl always tries her best & is s...
Published on: 27-08-2021
Our Brilliant Bairn this week 😁 Well done Superstar 🌟🌈
Our Brilliant Bairn this week 😁 Well done Superstar 🌟🌈
Published on: 27-08-2021
What a great choice P1! I have enjoyed spending time with this superstar in class & in the playground @beingbrilliant @Andrew_BlackAOB 🤩🌈🌟
What a great choice P1! I have enjoyed spending time with this superstar in class & in...
Published on: 27-08-2021
P4 had a fantastic afternoon on Wednesday. We went outside for some crafts before reading and discussing our class novel!⭐️🌈
P4 had a fantastic afternoon on Wednesday. We went outside for some crafts before reading ...
Published on: 27-08-2021
Two more #BrilliantBankierBairns from last week @beingbrilliant @Andrew_BlackAOB 🤩🥳🌈🌟
Two more #BrilliantBankierBairns from last week @beingbrilliant @Andrew_BlackAOB 🤩🥳🌈🌟 ...
Published on: 26-08-2021
Great photo opportunity of P3 today! 🌈🌟
Great photo opportunity of P3 today! 🌈🌟
Published on: 26-08-2021
I loved the bubble party…but still no ice poles! 🌈🌟
I loved the bubble party…but still no ice poles! 🌈🌟
Published on: 25-08-2021
Excuse me but was this just an afternoon treat? I didn't see any ice poles when I was playing outside on the tyres this morning! 😂🤣🌈🌟
Excuse me but was this just an afternoon treat? I didn't see any ice poles when I was play...
Published on: 25-08-2021
I'm so excited that the water feature is finally working!! I've waited so long & made many phone calls! Can't wait to bring my wellies & come & play 👢🏄♀️💦
I'm so excited that the water feature is finally working!! I've waited so long & made ...
Published on: 23-08-2021
So proud of this #BrilliantBankierBairn she is a true role model of young violinists! Hope she can encourage more new starts @BankierPrimary 🤩🎻🌈🌟
So proud of this #BrilliantBankierBairn she is a true role model of young violinists! Hope...
Published on: 20-08-2021
What a wonderful class charter you have created in P2! This display highlights your discussions and understanding of our rights! Awesome job @MissDonnellyBP #rightsofthechild @gerrymcmurtrie #rightsre
What a wonderful class charter you have created in P2! This display highlights your discus...
Published on: 20-08-2021
Primary 2 created their class charter together. We discussed our rights and how this would look in our classroom. 🌟🌈😃🎈
Primary 2 created their class charter together. We discussed our rights and how this would...
Published on: 20-08-2021
Miss Donnelly's first Brilliant Bairn for Primary 2! Well done Superstar 🌟🌈
Miss Donnelly's first Brilliant Bairn for Primary 2! Well done Superstar 🌟🌈
Published on: 20-08-2021
Our first #BrilliantBankierBairn of Primary 5! This absolute superstar is her best self every single day and is a pleasure to have in class! Look at that smile! 😄⭐️🌈
Our first #BrilliantBankierBairn of Primary 5! This absolute superstar is her best self ev...
Published on: 20-08-2021
Lovely lunch today with P1AC @MrsAChok 🌈🌟
Lovely lunch today with P1AC @MrsAChok 🌈🌟
Published on: 20-08-2021
Thank you P1C for inviting me to the #STEMlounge today @MissRCallaghan 🌈🌟
Thank you P1C for inviting me to the #STEMlounge today @MissRCallaghan 🌈🌟
Published on: 20-08-2021
Was so nice to catch up with P2 @MissDonnellyBP today! #playistheway 🌈🌟
Was so nice to catch up with P2 @MissDonnellyBP today! #playistheway 🌈🌟
Published on: 20-08-2021
I can't wait to see what wonderful learning comes from P7 @MarcusRashford #wearechampions 🤩
I can't wait to see what wonderful learning comes from P7 @MarcusRashford #wearechampions ...
Published on: 20-08-2021
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in the afternoon 🕷🐻🌈🎈
Welcome to Primary 2! 😃🌟 We got a very special delivery from our friend SpiderBear in th...
Published on: 19-08-2021
Mrs Ritchie is good at opening bottles!🤩😊🌈👍
Mrs Ritchie is good at opening bottles!🤩😊🌈👍
Published on: 18-08-2021
Lunch in our classrooms!Yummy🤩🌈🥪🍏
Lunch in our classrooms!Yummy🤩🌈🥪🍏
Published on: 18-08-2021
What a wonderful start we had today P1🤩🌈@MissRCallaghan @MrsAChok
What a wonderful start we had today P1🤩🌈@MissRCallaghan @MrsAChok
Published on: 18-08-2021
Great start P1 🤩🤩🌈
Great start P1 🤩🤩🌈
Published on: 18-08-2021
All settled in already!🤩🤩🌈
All settled in already!🤩🤩🌈
Published on: 18-08-2021
P1 at Bankier Primary first day !@MissRCallaghan @MissThomson1
P1 at Bankier Primary first day !@MissRCallaghan @MissThomson1
Published on: 18-08-2021
Published on: 01-08-2021
Published on: 10-07-2021
What a great opportunity for our @BankierPrimary pupils! Check it out 🎶🎤🎹🎼🌈🌟
What a great opportunity for our @BankierPrimary pupils! Check it out 🎶🎤🎹🎼🌈🌟 https:/...
Published on: 01-07-2021
I am so excited to be teaching Primary 5 next session after the summer. I can't wait for a new year together. Have a safe summer and I'll see all of your smiling faces in August! ⭐️🌈
I am so excited to be teaching Primary 5 next session after the summer. I can't wait for a...
Published on: 25-06-2021
The Amazing P6! Have a brilliant holiday! Thank you to parents and carers for all your support 🤩🤩😊👏🏻🌈
The Amazing P6! Have a brilliant holiday! Thank you to parents and carers for all your sup...
Published on: 25-06-2021
Have a fantastic summer P6 and thank you for all your very hard work!🤩🤩👏🏻👏🏻🌈
Have a fantastic summer P6 and thank you for all your very hard work!🤩🤩👏🏻👏🏻🌈 https:...
Published on: 25-06-2021
Time for treats in P4 🥳🌈🌟
Time for treats in P4 🥳🌈🌟
Published on: 25-06-2021
Celebrating our last day in P4! Happy Holidays everyone 🥳🌈🌟
Celebrating our last day in P4! Happy Holidays everyone 🥳🌈🌟
Published on: 25-06-2021
Celebrating our last day in P4! Happy Holidays everyone 🥳🌈🌟
Celebrating our last day in P4! Happy Holidays everyone 🥳🌈🌟
Published on: 25-06-2021
Congratulations to this sporty boy who is a well deserved winner of our boys sporting award! A real team player who demonstrates excellent sportsmanship! I wish you every success in following your tal
Congratulations to this sporty boy who is a well deserved winner of our boys sporting awar...
Published on: 24-06-2021
What an absolute superstar winner of our girls sporting award! Awesome talents & excellent sportsmanship! I wish you every success @DennyHighSchool in pursuing your dreams 🌈🌟
What an absolute superstar winner of our girls sporting award! Awesome talents & excel...
Published on: 24-06-2021
Awesome choice! We will miss you so much next year! Thanks for being a total superstar over the last 7 years! Be all you can be & Reach for the Stars @DennyHighSchool 🌈🌟
Awesome choice! We will miss you so much next year! Thanks for being a total superstar ove...
Published on: 24-06-2021
The rain 🌧 doesn't stop play for TeamTaylor. Another amazing day 🤩🤩🤩 spent with these wonderful children 🌟👍👏🙌
The rain 🌧 doesn't stop play for TeamTaylor. Another amazing day 🤩🤩🤩 spent with these ...
Published on: 24-06-2021
Finally our celebration 🎉 🎉 party.
Finally our celebration 🎉 🎉 party.
Published on: 24-06-2021
Published on: 24-06-2021
Cross stitching with P6 🤩
Cross stitching with P6 🤩
Published on: 24-06-2021
Published on: 24-06-2021
Cross stitching!! 🤩
Cross stitching!! 🤩
Published on: 24-06-2021
P6 have been baaaaaausy! 🐑🐑🐑
P6 have been baaaaaausy! 🐑🐑🐑
Published on: 24-06-2021
Published on: 23-06-2021
Today I sent home some photo permission slips to a few P4 pupils. I would be so grateful if you could return them before the end of term 💜@FalkirkFroebel @MorayHouse 🌈🌟
Today I sent home some photo permission slips to a few P4 pupils. I would be so grateful i...
Published on: 23-06-2021
Amazing 🤩🤩
Amazing 🤩🤩
Published on: 23-06-2021
P4 had great fun this afternoon dancing outside & enjoying ice lollies 🌈🌟
P4 had great fun this afternoon dancing outside & enjoying ice lollies 🌈🌟 https://t....
Published on: 23-06-2021
Huge thank you to the P6 Dance Leaders @MrsLerpiniere who entertained us this afternoon! You were awesome 💜🕺🏻🌈🌟
Huge thank you to the P6 Dance Leaders @MrsLerpiniere who entertained us this afternoon! Y...
Published on: 23-06-2021
Published on: 23-06-2021
Published on: 23-06-2021
Conga back to classroom 😆🤩😊👏🏻👏🏻
Conga back to classroom 😆🤩😊👏🏻👏🏻
Published on: 23-06-2021
Wohooo nearly the holidays 😊😊🤩🥳
Wohooo nearly the holidays 😊😊🤩🥳
Published on: 23-06-2021
Fun at our dance off🤩🌈😊
Fun at our dance off🤩🌈😊
Published on: 23-06-2021
A well deserved ice lolly🤩🌈👏🏻
A well deserved ice lolly🤩🌈👏🏻
Published on: 23-06-2021
P6 have talent!!!🤩Amazing girls, you are fantastic!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
P6 have talent!!!🤩Amazing girls, you are fantastic!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Published on: 23-06-2021
Lolly 🤩🍭👏🏻
Lolly 🤩🍭👏🏻
Published on: 23-06-2021
Lollies for everyone 🤩🍭
Lollies for everyone 🤩🍭
Published on: 23-06-2021
Dancing with no music 🎶🤩👏🏻👏🏻
Dancing with no music 🎶🤩👏🏻👏🏻
Published on: 23-06-2021
Yummy !🤩😊🍭👅
Yummy !🤩😊🍭👅
Published on: 23-06-2021
P6 met our nursery buddies for ice lollies 🤩😊🍭
P6 met our nursery buddies for ice lollies 🤩😊🍭
Published on: 23-06-2021
P6 met nursery buddies for ice lollies 🍭🤩
P6 met nursery buddies for ice lollies 🍭🤩
Published on: 23-06-2021
We meet up with our nursery buddies for ice lollies 🍭
We meet up with our nursery buddies for ice lollies 🍭
Published on: 23-06-2021
Fun waiting for our buddies 🤩
Fun waiting for our buddies 🤩
Published on: 23-06-2021
To celebrate #WorldMusicDay P4 created a 'play list' of our favourite songs to play & sing each day until the end of term #favouritesong 🎤🎶🎵🌈🌟
To celebrate #WorldMusicDay P4 created a 'play list' of our favourite songs to play & ...
Published on: 21-06-2021
Today P4 had great fun hanging around outside @outdoorfalkirk @FalkirkOutdoors 🌿☘️🌱🌈🌟
Today P4 had great fun hanging around outside @outdoorfalkirk @FalkirkOutdoors 🌿☘️🌱🌈🌟 ...
Published on: 18-06-2021
P4 are very excited to watch P7 @Mrs_Paddon Leaver's Assembly 🤩🌈🌟
P4 are very excited to watch P7 @Mrs_Paddon Leaver's Assembly 🤩🌈🌟
Published on: 18-06-2021
I'm so looking forward to this Mrs P & P7! I know you have been working so hard! I have my hankies ready 🌈🌟
I'm so looking forward to this Mrs P & P7! I know you have been working so hard! I hav...
Published on: 16-06-2021
P4 were back on their weaving today! Such lovely patterns! We have discovered it takes a long time & lots of skill to succeed! Aren't we doing well? @FalkirkFroebel @SgreenDonna @LynnMcNair @Linto
P4 were back on their weaving today! Such lovely patterns! We have discovered it takes a l...
Published on: 16-06-2021
Had an amazing afternoon with P3FT, superb station work 👍👍👍
Had an amazing afternoon with P3FT, superb station work 👍👍👍
Published on: 16-06-2021
Reward time for an incredible class, l'll really miss these children 🌟🌟🌟
Reward time for an incredible class, l'll really miss these children 🌟🌟🌟
Published on: 16-06-2021
P4 can you please bring a bag for your awesome work too! 🌈🌟
P4 can you please bring a bag for your awesome work too! 🌈🌟
Published on: 15-06-2021
🏴GO SCOTLAND🏴 #yessirwecanboogie @ScotlandNT @UEFA 🏴⚽️🏴
🏴GO SCOTLAND🏴 #yessirwecanboogie @ScotlandNT @UEFA 🏴�...
Published on: 14-06-2021
TeamTaylor are supporting The Tartan Army 🤩🤩🤩
TeamTaylor are supporting The Tartan Army 🤩🤩🤩
Published on: 14-06-2021
🏴 GOOD LUCK Scotland 🏴 from P4 @BankierPrimary We're ready! @ScotlandNT @UEFA ⚽️🏴
🏴 GOOD LUCK Scotland 🏴 from P4 @BankierPrimary We're ready! @Sco...
Published on: 14-06-2021
Thank you for inviting me to judge your Olympic kit competition! All the entries were of a very high standard & it was such a difficult choice choosing the winners #BankierOlympics 🌈🌟
Thank you for inviting me to judge your Olympic kit competition! All the entries were of a...
Published on: 12-06-2021
TeamTaylor have enjoyed sharing their achievements with you on Twitter. A huge cheer from us to you 🌟👍🙌🤩😀👏🏅🏅🏅🏅
TeamTaylor have enjoyed sharing their achievements with you on Twitter. A huge cheer from ...
Published on: 11-06-2021
TeamTaylor awards for cheerleading, best effort and equipment assistants 👍👍👍
TeamTaylor awards for cheerleading, best effort and equipment assistants 👍👍👍 https://t....
Published on: 11-06-2021
P3FT special awards for good sportsmanship, time keeping and score keeping 🙌🙌🙌 #BankierOlympics
P3FT special awards for good sportsmanship, time keeping and score keeping 🙌🙌🙌 #Bankier...
Published on: 11-06-2021
Mrs Webster judged TeamTaylor's Olympic kit competition. Thank you 🙏 for helping out Mrs Webster this was a very difficult task #BankierOlympics
Mrs Webster judged TeamTaylor's Olympic kit competition. Thank you 🙏 for helping out Mrs ...
Published on: 11-06-2021
Published on: 11-06-2021
TeamTaylor awards for obstacle course, relay, long jump and welly wangle 🤩🤩🤩 #BankierOlympics
TeamTaylor awards for obstacle course, relay, long jump and welly wangle 🤩🤩🤩 #BankierOl...
Published on: 11-06-2021
P4 began their weaving with wool & ribbon today! What a great start we made! I can't wait to see our finished products @FalkirkFroebel @SgreenDonna @LintonLass @LynnMcNair #occupations 🌈🌟 https://
P4 began their weaving with wool & ribbon today! What a great start we made! I can't w...
Published on: 10-06-2021
P4 began their weaving with wool & ribbon today! What a great start we made! I can't wait to see our finished products @FalkirkFroebel @SgreenDonna @LintonLass @LynnMcNair #occupations 🌈🌟 https://
P4 began their weaving with wool & ribbon today! What a great start we made! I can't w...
Published on: 10-06-2021
Next P4 took on the Football challenge #BankierOlympics ⚽️💙❤️🍷💛🌈🌟
Next P4 took on the Football challenge #BankierOlympics ⚽️💙❤️🍷💛🌈🌟
Published on: 10-06-2021
Today P4 took on the relay race as part of #BankierOlympics Great team effort! ❤️💚💛💙🌈🌟
Today P4 took on the relay race as part of #BankierOlympics Great team effort! ❤️💚💛💙🌈�...
Published on: 10-06-2021
TeamTaylor enjoyed P4's basketball 🏀 hoop event #BamkierOlympics
TeamTaylor enjoyed P4's basketball 🏀 hoop event #BamkierOlympics
Published on: 10-06-2021
TeamTaylor Olympians proudly wearing their medals 🏅. Join us on Twitter tomorrow for our awards ceremony 🌟🌟🌟#BankierOlympics
TeamTaylor Olympians proudly wearing their medals 🏅. Join us on Twitter tomorrow for our ...
Published on: 10-06-2021
Summer '21 Sports Development and Swimming
Timetable for Summer'21 Sports Development...
Published on: 10-06-2021
It's a shame we can't invite experts in to school to help us develop these new skills 🌈🌟
It's a shame we can't invite experts in to school to help us develop these new skills 🌈🌟...
Published on: 09-06-2021
Today P4 made their warp on their weaving boards & have planned their designs! We are developing our weaving skills further using ribbon, thread & wool! @FalkirkFroebel @SgreenDonna @LintonLas
Today P4 made their warp on their weaving boards & have planned their designs! We are ...
Published on: 09-06-2021
Today P4 made their warp on their weaving boards & have planned their designs! We are developing our weaving skills further using ribbon, thread & wool! @FalkirkFroebel @SgreenDonna @LintonLas
Today P4 made their warp on their weaving boards & have planned their designs! We are ...
Published on: 09-06-2021
TeamTaylor enjoyed the beach volleyball today #BankierOlympics
TeamTaylor enjoyed the beach volleyball today #BankierOlympics
Published on: 09-06-2021
TeamTaylor working in their houses to win points #BankierOlympics
TeamTaylor working in their houses to win points #BankierOlympics
Published on: 09-06-2021
What a fantastic session tonight with FVWL #STEM leadership 2021 cohort! Sharing action plans for next session! Lots of #STEMtastic ideas @RAiSE_falkirk @WL_STEM @STEMstuff1 @STEMedscot 💡🌈🌟 https://t.
What a fantastic session tonight with FVWL #STEM leadership 2021 cohort! Sharing action pl...
Published on: 08-06-2021
Great photo from our Happiness Guru @Andrew_BlackAOB @beingbrilliant 🤩🌈🌟
Great photo from our Happiness Guru @Andrew_BlackAOB @beingbrilliant 🤩🌈🌟
Published on: 07-06-2021
Today in P4 we developed our paper craft skills & tried some origami! We also began to make our craft boxes! Froebel encouraged the use of paper folding with the aim of conveying simple mathematic
Today in P4 we developed our paper craft skills & tried some origami! We also began to...
Published on: 07-06-2021
Today in P4 we developed our paper crafts & tried some origami! Perhaps we could teach someone at home! Froebel encouraged the use of paper folding with the aim of conveying simple mathematical co
Today in P4 we developed our paper crafts & tried some origami! Perhaps we could teach...
Published on: 07-06-2021
Monday morning obstacle course fun in the sun with TeamTaylor #BankierOlympics
Monday morning obstacle course fun in the sun with TeamTaylor #BankierOlympics https://t.c...
Published on: 07-06-2021
Monday morning obstacle course fun in the sun #BankierOlympics #TeamTaylor are the best 🌟🌟🌟
Monday morning obstacle course fun in the sun #BankierOlympics #TeamTaylor are the best 🌟...
Published on: 07-06-2021
Big cheer for our #BrilliantBankierBairn in P4 this week! She works very hard and is kind, helpful & polite to all her classmates @beingbrilliant @Andrew_BlackAOB 🌈🌟
Big cheer for our #BrilliantBankierBairn in P4 this week! She works very hard and is kind,...
Published on: 04-06-2021
Published on: 04-06-2021
Today P4 completed the basketball hoops which was our event! We planned it, made a video & wrote instructions for the other classes #BankierOlympics 🎉🌈🌟
Today P4 completed the basketball hoops which was our event! We planned it, made a video &...
Published on: 04-06-2021
Today P4 chose to create their own paper weaving designs as a morning task! These look so interesting @FalkirkFroebel @SgreenDonna @FroebelTrust @LintonLass 🤩🌈🌟
Today P4 chose to create their own paper weaving designs as a morning task! These look so ...
Published on: 04-06-2021
Huge thank you to parents who have donated textile resources to P4 for our weaving & sewing project! We would be very grateful for any more donations @FalkirkFroebel @FroebelTrust @SgreenDonna @Li
Huge thank you to parents who have donated textile resources to P4 for our weaving & s...
Published on: 04-06-2021
These 2 pupils are enjoying the sunshine ☀️ while they record the number of goals their classmates have scored. #BankierOlympics
These 2 pupils are enjoying the sunshine ☀️ while they record the number of goals their cl...
Published on: 03-06-2021
P3FT scoring goals for their houses #BankierOlympics
P3FT scoring goals for their houses #BankierOlympics
Published on: 03-06-2021
P3FT started work on their Bankier Olympic clay medals 🥇 #BankierOlympics
P3FT started work on their Bankier Olympic clay medals 🥇 #BankierOlympics
Published on: 03-06-2021
Today P4 enjoyed completing their paper weaving! How lovely do these look? We started creating our own paper designs & can't wait to develop these skills into fabric, thread & wool! @FalkirkFr
Today P4 enjoyed completing their paper weaving! How lovely do these look? We started crea...
Published on: 03-06-2021
Today P4 enjoyed completing their paper weaving! How lovely do these look? We started creating our own paper designs & can't wait to develop these skills into fabric, thread & wool! @FalkirkFr
Today P4 enjoyed completing their paper weaving! How lovely do these look? We started crea...
Published on: 03-06-2021
Today P4 took part in Beach Volleyball #BankierOlympics Great fun 🏖🌈🌟
Today P4 took part in Beach Volleyball #BankierOlympics Great fun 🏖🌈🌟
Published on: 03-06-2021
Today P4 took part in Beach Volleyball #BankierOlympics Great fun 🏖🌈🌟
Today P4 took part in Beach Volleyball #BankierOlympics Great fun 🏖🌈🌟
Published on: 03-06-2021
Thank you very much! Just what we're looking for 🌈🌟
Thank you very much! Just what we're looking for 🌈🌟
Published on: 03-06-2021
These would be amazing thank you 😍🥰🌈🌟
These would be amazing thank you 😍🥰🌈🌟
Published on: 02-06-2021
SOS! Do you have any weaving/sewing materials that you could donate to P4? We are looking for fabric,wool,thread, large needles,cross stitch,sewing machine & anything else you think would help us
SOS! Do you have any weaving/sewing materials that you could donate to P4? We are looking ...
Published on: 02-06-2021
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving! It was really tricky at first but we persevered! Check out a few of our finished designs! @FalkirkFroebel @FroebelTrust @SgreenDonna #occupation
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving! It was really tricky at first but w...
Published on: 02-06-2021
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving! It was really tricky at first but we persevered! @FalkirkFroebel @FroebelTrust @SgreenDonna #occupations 🌈🌟
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving! It was really tricky at first but w...
Published on: 02-06-2021
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving @FalkirkFroebel @FroebelTrust @SgreenDonna #occupations 🌈🌟
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving @FalkirkFroebel @FroebelTrust @Sgree...
Published on: 02-06-2021
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving @FalkirkFroebel @FroebelTrust @SgreenDonna #occupations 🌈🌟
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving @FalkirkFroebel @FroebelTrust @Sgree...
Published on: 02-06-2021
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving @FalkirkFroebel @FroebelTrust @SgreenDonna #occupations 🌈🌟
Today P4 began to develop the skill of paper weaving @FalkirkFroebel @FroebelTrust @Sgree...
Published on: 02-06-2021
Next P4 took on the Welly Wangle #BankierOlympics So much fun! 💙💚💛❤️🌈🌟
Next P4 took on the Welly Wangle #BankierOlympics So much fun! 💙💚💛❤️🌈🌟
Published on: 02-06-2021
Today P4 began their #BankierOlympics challenge and faced the Hurdles 💙💚💛❤️🌈🌟
Today P4 began their #BankierOlympics challenge and faced the Hurdles 💙💚💛❤️🌈🌟 https:/...
Published on: 02-06-2021
Support for the end of Furlough
Furlough Advice and Support...
Published on: 02-06-2021
This P3FT pupil created Tom the Turtle 🐢 the Castlerankine mascot 🌟🤩🙌🌟🤩😀 #BankierOlympics
This P3FT pupil created Tom the Turtle 🐢 the Castlerankine mascot 🌟🤩🙌🌟🤩😀 #BankierOl...
Published on: 31-05-2021
P3FT are ready for the Bankier Olympics opening assembly #BankierOlympics
P3FT are ready for the Bankier Olympics opening assembly #BankierOlympics
Published on: 31-05-2021
Only four more sleeps to go 🤩🤩🤩 #BankierOlympics
Only four more sleeps to go 🤩🤩🤩 #BankierOlympics
Published on: 27-05-2021
P3FT have been finding out about the countries and cities that have hosted the Olympic Games since 2000 🌍🌏🌎 #BankierOlympics
P3FT have been finding out about the countries and cities that have hosted the Olympic Gam...
Published on: 25-05-2021
Our house flags are made, we are nearly ready to go 🏃♀️🏃🏻🏃♂️ #BankierOlympics
Our house flags are made, we are nearly ready to go 🏃♀️🏃🏻🏃♂️ #BankierOlympics https:...
Published on: 21-05-2021
Published on: 20-05-2021
Lots of interesting facts about Kira and her sister Unikty in this pupil's mascot factsheet 🤩🤩🤩 #BankierOlympics
Lots of interesting facts about Kira and her sister Unikty in this pupil's mascot factshee...
Published on: 19-05-2021
P3FT in training for their 'Welly Wangle' event. The competition is fierce 🤩😬🤩😬 #BankierOlympics
P3FT in training for their 'Welly Wangle' event. The competition is fierce 🤩😬🤩😬 #Banki...
Published on: 19-05-2021
P3FT working on their Bankier Olympic mascot factsheets 🌟🙌🐥👏 #BankierOlympics
P3FT working on their Bankier Olympic mascot factsheets 🌟🙌🐥👏 #BankierOlympics https://...
Published on: 19-05-2021
Great excitement in P3FT as work starts on our mascots #BankierOlympics
Great excitement in P3FT as work starts on our mascots #BankierOlympics
Published on: 12-05-2021
P3FT were challenged to make < > = and not equal to number statements using natural materials #outdoorlearning
P3FT were challenged to make < > = and not equal to number statements using natural ...
Published on: 31-03-2021
We worked collaboratively with a partner in the forest to solve our Easter scavenger hunt 🐥🐣🐤🐥🐣🐤
We worked collaboratively with a partner in the forest to solve our Easter scavenger hunt ...
Published on: 30-03-2021
DEAR Drop Everything And Read in P3FT @Falkirk_LRS @FMReadChallenge @scottishbktrust
DEAR Drop Everything And Read in P3FT @Falkirk_LRS @FMReadChallenge @scottishbktrust https...
Published on: 04-03-2021
Well done to our two brilliant bairns from the hub class. I have been impressed by these two children who have worked very hard with all their written tasks🌟🌟🌟
Well done to our two brilliant bairns from the hub class. I have been impressed by these t...
Published on: 11-02-2021
P4 are having fun with Mrs Taylor designing and building sledges ❄️❄️❄️ #STEM
P4 are having fun with Mrs Taylor designing and building sledges ❄️❄️❄️ #STEM
Published on: 10-02-2021
P4 hub class are on a snow walk scavenger hunt #outdoorlearning
P4 hub class are on a snow walk scavenger hunt #outdoorlearning
Published on: 10-02-2021
Well done to this P3 pupil who overcame her fears and recited Three Craws in front of an audience 🌟😀🌟😀
Well done to this P3 pupil who overcame her fears and recited Three Craws in front of an a...
Published on: 29-01-2021
I really enjoyed listening to Twa Leggit Mice, well done 🌟👏🌟
I really enjoyed listening to Twa Leggit Mice, well done 🌟👏🌟
Published on: 29-01-2021
Well done to another confident individual from P4. 🌟👍🙌🌟👍
Well done to another confident individual from P4. 🌟👍🙌🌟👍
Published on: 29-01-2021
Meet Nessie the Loch Ness monster. We had fun making Nessie as part of our BGE Scotland topic 😀😀
Meet Nessie the Loch Ness monster. We had fun making Nessie as part of our BGE Scotland to...
Published on: 28-01-2021
I loved the actions this P4 pupil used for her Three Craws song 🌟🙌🌟🙌🌟🙌
I loved the actions this P4 pupil used for her Three Craws song 🌟🙌🌟🙌🌟🙌
Published on: 28-01-2021
Great expression from this P4 pupil. Well done 👍 🌟😀👍🌟😀
Great expression from this P4 pupil. Well done 👍 🌟😀👍🌟😀
Published on: 28-01-2021
This P3 pupil used a loud, clear voice when she was singing 'The Three Craws' 🌟🙌😀🌟🙌😀
This P3 pupil used a loud, clear voice when she was singing 'The Three Craws' 🌟🙌😀🌟🙌😀...
Published on: 28-01-2021
TeamTaylor worked very hard today 🌟👍👏
TeamTaylor worked very hard today 🌟👍👏
Published on: 12-01-2021
Another funny nonsense poem.
Another funny nonsense poem.
Published on: 12-01-2021
P3/4/5 bubble enjoyed playing around with words in their poems.
P3/4/5 bubble enjoyed playing around with words in their poems.
Published on: 12-01-2021
P3/4/5 used Michael Rosen's poem as a template for our own problems.
P3/4/5 used Michael Rosen's poem as a template for our own problems.
Published on: 12-01-2021
P3/4/5 bubble had fun with rhyming words today.
P3/4/5 bubble had fun with rhyming words today.
Published on: 12-01-2021
P3/4/5 bubble have been creating their own rhyming words poems.
P3/4/5 bubble have been creating their own rhyming words poems.
Published on: 12-01-2021
A magical afternoon in Primary 4!
A magical afternoon in Primary 4!
Published on: 22-12-2020
Dancing along to part 2 of Sleeping 💤 Beauty pantomime. Boogie Wonderland one of my personal favourites 🙌🙌🙌
Dancing along to part 2 of Sleeping 💤 Beauty pantomime. Boogie Wonderland one of my perso...
Published on: 22-12-2020
A big thank you to our buddies in P3AT we loved our cards and book marks, you must have worked really hard. Have a great Christmas, love ❤️ from P3FT. Xx
A big thank you to our buddies in P3AT we loved our cards and book marks, you must have wo...
Published on: 22-12-2020
P3FT enjoying their online pantomime 😀🙌😀🙌
P3FT enjoying their online pantomime 😀🙌😀🙌
Published on: 21-12-2020
P4 enjoying our #Pantomime of #SleepingBeauty this afternoon!
P4 enjoying our #Pantomime of #SleepingBeauty this afternoon!
Published on: 21-12-2020
Finally P3FT managed to join the First Minister's Reading Challenge. We really enjoyed illustrating 'The Snowflake' with Benjii Davies 👏👏👏 @FMReadChallenge
Finally P3FT managed to join the First Minister's Reading Challenge. We really enjoyed ill...
Published on: 21-12-2020
Finally P3FT have completed all 12 Fitmas challenges 👏🌟👍👏🌟👍👏🌟👍👏🌟👍👏🌟👍👏🌟👍👏🌟👍@FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
Finally P3FT have completed all 12 Fitmas challenges 👏🌟👍👏🌟👍👏🌟👍👏🌟👍👏🌟👍👏🌟👍�...
Published on: 18-12-2020
More Christmas Wonderland photos @FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
More Christmas Wonderland photos @FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
Published on: 18-12-2020
@FalkirkSport #12DaysofFitmas
@FalkirkSport #12DaysofFitmas
Published on: 18-12-2020
P3FT Fitmas challenge 11, after lots of hard work our classroom finally looks like a Christmas Wonderland 🎄❄️🎄❄️🌟🌟
P3FT Fitmas challenge 11, after lots of hard work our classroom finally looks like a Chris...
Published on: 18-12-2020
P3FT Fitmas challenge card, we made our symmetrical snowflake cards for our buddies in P3AT ❄️❄️❄️❄️ @FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
P3FT Fitmas challenge card, we made our symmetrical snowflake cards for our buddies in P3A...
Published on: 18-12-2020
P3FT symmetrical Christmas snowflake cards.
P3FT symmetrical Christmas snowflake cards.
Published on: 18-12-2020
P3FT Fitmas challenge 7, the cube, we made our own square and triangle relay challenges @FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
P3FT Fitmas challenge 7, the cube, we made our own square and triangle relay challenges @F...
Published on: 18-12-2020
P3FT, Fitmas challenge 12, Christmas Obstacle course @FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
P3FT, Fitmas challenge 12, Christmas Obstacle course @FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas https:/...
Published on: 18-12-2020
P3FT have been finding and highlighting key facts in a text. We used these key facts in our own reindeer factsheets 🦌🦌🦌
P3FT have been finding and highlighting key facts in a text. We used these key facts in ou...
Published on: 18-12-2020
@FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
@FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
Published on: 17-12-2020
@FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
@FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
Published on: 17-12-2020
P3FT adapted the snowball challenge and made an ice ball target game ❄️❄️❄️ @FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
P3FT adapted the snowball challenge and made an ice ball target game ❄️❄️❄️ @FalkirkSport ...
Published on: 17-12-2020
P3FT have been making snowman chains to decorate the classroom. I love the superman and 'stay safe' snowmen ☃️⛄️
P3FT have been making snowman chains to decorate the classroom. I love the superman and 's...
Published on: 16-12-2020
P3FT Fitmas challenge 10. We got lots of exercise playing Christmas tig in the playground.
P3FT Fitmas challenge 10. We got lots of exercise playing Christmas tig in the playground....
Published on: 16-12-2020
P3FT Fitmas challenge 8, we all took a selfie next to our Christmas Hama tree. 🌲🌟👍🎄@FalkirkSport #12daysoffitmas
P3FT Fitmas challenge 8, we all took a selfie next to our Christmas Hama tree. 🌲🌟👍🎄@Fa...
Published on: 16-12-2020
P3FT are making equations for their elbow partner to solve
P3FT are making equations for their elbow partner to solve
Published on: 16-12-2020
P4 were creating freeze frames of the beginning, middle and end of Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'. Can you tell what's happening in each picture?
P4 were creating freeze frames of the beginning, middle and end of Charles Dickens' 'A Chr...
Published on: 16-12-2020
P4 were creating freeze frames of the beginning, middle and end of Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'. Can you tell what's happening in each picture?
P4 were creating freeze frames of the beginning, middle and end of Charles Dickens' 'A Chr...
Published on: 16-12-2020
P4 were creating freeze frames of the beginning, middle and end of Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'. Can you tell what's happening in each picture?
P4 were creating freeze frames of the beginning, middle and end of Charles Dickens' 'A Chr...
Published on: 16-12-2020
P3FT Challenge 4 the Christmas Fitmas poster, hope that you like the Christmas sequins that we added to our posters 🎄🎄🌟
P3FT Challenge 4 the Christmas Fitmas poster, hope that you like the Christmas sequins tha...
Published on: 15-12-2020
P3FT keeping fit on their 'Fitmas' walk @FalkirkSport #12DaysofFitmas
P3FT keeping fit on their 'Fitmas' walk @FalkirkSport #12DaysofFitmas
Published on: 15-12-2020
P3FT on their Fitmas walk @FalkirkSport #12Daysoffitmas
P3FT on their Fitmas walk @FalkirkSport #12Daysoffitmas
Published on: 15-12-2020
Our brilliant bairn is always ready, respected and safe 🌟🌟🌟
Our brilliant bairn is always ready, respected and safe 🌟🌟🌟
Published on: 15-12-2020
P3FT worked hard to make these decorations for their Hama tree. These can be hung up on your Christmas tree 🎄 at home or 'upcycled' and used as a coaster.
P3FT worked hard to make these decorations for their Hama tree. These can be hung up on yo...
Published on: 11-12-2020
P3FT had fun at their Christmas 🎉🎄🎄🎉
P3FT had fun at their Christmas 🎉🎄🎄🎉
Published on: 10-12-2020
Preparations for P3FT Christmas 🎄 party.
Preparations for P3FT Christmas 🎄 party.
Published on: 09-12-2020
@FalkirkSport #12DaysofFitmas P3FT Fitmas dance challenge
@FalkirkSport #12DaysofFitmas P3FT Fitmas dance challenge
Published on: 09-12-2020
P3FT used ideas from their 12 Days of Fitmas song to help them create their own Big Fitmas Workout @FalkirkSport #12DaysofFitmas
P3FT used ideas from their 12 Days of Fitmas song to help them create their own Big Fitmas...
Published on: 08-12-2020
P3FT created their own 12 Days of Fitmas song @FalkirkSport #12DaysofFitmas
P3FT created their own 12 Days of Fitmas song @FalkirkSport #12DaysofFitmas
Published on: 08-12-2020
Our P3FT brilliant bairn has been working hard with challenging tasks. 🌟🌟🌟
Our P3FT brilliant bairn has been working hard with challenging tasks. 🌟🌟🌟
Published on: 07-12-2020
P3FT are using their previous learning to help them solve Santa problems.
P3FT are using their previous learning to help them solve Santa problems.
Published on: 03-12-2020
Team Taylor enjoyed starting work on the 'Fitmas' Christmas challenge. We have started making Hama decorations so we can turn our classroom into a Christmas Wonderland. 🎄🎄🎄
Team Taylor enjoyed starting work on the 'Fitmas' Christmas challenge. We have started mak...
Published on: 01-12-2020
These 2 P3 pupils impressed me this morning with these subtraction patterns they created by themselves. Well done 👏
These 2 P3 pupils impressed me this morning with these subtraction patterns they created b...
Published on: 01-12-2020
This brilliant bairn is always ready to learn. 🌟🌟🌟
This brilliant bairn is always ready to learn. 🌟🌟🌟
Published on: 30-11-2020
These P3 pupils designed binoculars that Rocket 🚀 could use to help her view the meteor shower @BookWeekScot @scottishbktrust
These P3 pupils designed binoculars that Rocket 🚀 could use to help her view the meteor s...
Published on: 24-11-2020
@BookWeekScot @scottishbktrust
@BookWeekScot @scottishbktrust
Published on: 24-11-2020
These telescopes should help Rocket to view the meteor shower 🚿 in the night sky @BookWeekScot @scottishbktrust
These telescopes should help Rocket to view the meteor shower 🚿 in the night sky @BookWee...
Published on: 24-11-2020
These 2 pupils designed flashlights to help Rocket to view the meteor shower @BookWeekScot @scottishbktrust
These 2 pupils designed flashlights to help Rocket to view the meteor shower @BookWeekScot...
Published on: 24-11-2020
P3FT had fun making instruments to help Rocket see the meteor shower @BookWeekScot @scottishbktrust #STEM
P3FT had fun making instruments to help Rocket see the meteor shower @BookWeekScot @scotti...
Published on: 24-11-2020
Our brilliant bairn has been working really hard with homework 🌟🌟🌟
Our brilliant bairn has been working really hard with homework 🌟🌟🌟
Published on: 24-11-2020
P3FT are using their fact books, we found lots of WOW words like protect, peregrine, predators and extraordinary 📙📚📙📚
P3FT are using their fact books, we found lots of WOW words like protect, peregrine, preda...
Published on: 17-11-2020
Another warning story that P3FT enjoyed listening to 📙📚✍️
Another warning story that P3FT enjoyed listening to 📙📚✍️
Published on: 17-11-2020
Can you hear the lesson learnt in this warning story?
Can you hear the lesson learnt in this warning story?
Published on: 17-11-2020
Listen to this P3 pupil use expression when she reads her warning story ✍️📙📚
Listen to this P3 pupil use expression when she reads her warning story ✍️📙📚 https://t.c...
Published on: 17-11-2020
P3FT enjoyed listening to this warning story ✍️📚
P3FT enjoyed listening to this warning story ✍️📚
Published on: 17-11-2020
Working with an elbow partner to find out extraordinary facts about animals 🦊🐸🐵🐥🐝🦉# @BookWeekScot @scottishbktrust
Working with an elbow partner to find out extraordinary facts about animals 🦊🐸🐵🐥🐝🦉# ...
Published on: 17-11-2020
P3FT enjoyed looking inside our book bags. We'll be using them in class this week to help us with our literacy, reading and writing ✍️📚📙
P3FT enjoyed looking inside our book bags. We'll be using them in class this week to help ...
Published on: 16-11-2020
So many brilliant bairns in P3FT 🌟🌟🌟
So many brilliant bairns in P3FT 🌟🌟🌟
Published on: 13-11-2020
Another brilliant bairn from P3FT 🙌🙌🙌
Another brilliant bairn from P3FT 🙌🙌🙌
Published on: 13-11-2020
This absolute superstar is always showing us her best self being ready, respectful and safe! She is an absolute to joy to have in Primary 4 and we are so proud to call her this weeks #BrilliantBairn,
This absolute superstar is always showing us her best self being ready, respectful and saf...
Published on: 11-09-2020
P4 were super excited to earn some extra free play for their reward time this afternoon! We managed to get 19 names on the recognition board today! 🌟🌈
P4 were super excited to earn some extra free play for their reward time this afternoon! W...
Published on: 09-09-2020
This terrific trio were so excited to receive an extra special praise postcard from Mrs Ritchie, well done! 🌟🌈
This terrific trio were so excited to receive an extra special praise postcard from Mrs Ri...
Published on: 08-09-2020
This superstar recreated the Fantastic Me Fox today! Was a super artist! 🌈🌟
This superstar recreated the Fantastic Me Fox today! Was a super artist! 🌈🌟
Published on: 08-09-2020
We were super excited to receive a visit from Mrs Ritchie this afternoon as she delivered some #PraisePostcards We were so impressed by the things she knew about our learning! Well done, Miss F is sup
We were super excited to receive a visit from Mrs Ritchie this afternoon as she delivered ...
Published on: 04-09-2020
This absolute gem is our #BrilliantBairn she is consistently ready, respectful and safe and always tries her best! Well done J! 🌟🌈
This absolute gem is our #BrilliantBairn she is consistently ready, respectful and safe an...
Published on: 04-09-2020
Our crafty clouds are finished and are sure to brighten our classroom sky! We used adjectives for each letter of our names to describe ourselves! ☺️🌈🌟
Our crafty clouds are finished and are sure to brighten our classroom sky! We used adjecti...
Published on: 03-09-2020
P4 were working super hard on writing a character description this morning! 🌟
P4 were working super hard on writing a character description this morning! 🌟 https://t.c...
Published on: 03-09-2020
P4 had a crafty afternoon...can you guess what it is yet?
P4 had a crafty afternoon...can you guess what it is yet?
Published on: 02-09-2020
P4 had a crafty afternoon...can you guess what it is yet?
P4 had a crafty afternoon...can you guess what it is yet?
Published on: 02-09-2020
P4 enjoyed some well earned extra play for their reward time this afternoon! 🌟🌟
P4 enjoyed some well earned extra play for their reward time this afternoon! 🌟🌟 https://...
Published on: 01-09-2020
Here is our first #BrilliantBairn Every day she comes to school smiling, showing her best self and always trying her best! 😊🌟🌈
Here is our first #BrilliantBairn Every day she comes to school smiling, showing her best ...
Published on: 28-08-2020
P4 were working with an elbow partner to write character descriptions for Farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean. 🌟 🌈
P4 were working with an elbow partner to write character descriptions for Farmers Boggis, ...
Published on: 28-08-2020
This afternoon P4 worked with an elbow partner to discuss what colour of traffic light we should use for self-assessing our work. We came up with ideas of comments that we can write too! #SuccessfulLe
This afternoon P4 worked with an elbow partner to discuss what colour of traffic light we ...
Published on: 24-08-2020
P4 have been reading The Fantastic Mr Fox. This afternoon we drew pictures of the sneaky fox stealing a turkey! I was super impressed with P4's art skills! 🦊
P4 have been reading The Fantastic Mr Fox. This afternoon we drew pictures of the sneaky f...
Published on: 20-08-2020
P4 have been reading The Fantastic Mr Fox. This afternoon we drew pictures of the sneaky fox stealing a turkey! I was super impressed with P4's art skills! 🦊
P4 have been reading The Fantastic Mr Fox. This afternoon we drew pictures of the sneaky f...
Published on: 20-08-2020
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃 ht...
Published on: 17-08-2020
Published on: 17-08-2020
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃 ht...
Published on: 17-08-2020
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃 ht...
Published on: 17-08-2020
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃 ht...
Published on: 17-08-2020
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃
I'm super excited to see all of your faces this morning ready for a busy week ahead! 😃 ht...
Published on: 17-08-2020
Published on: 24-06-2020
As we continue our virtual school trip to @DeepSeaWorld, today why not make your own aquarium. My 7 and 5 year old made one yesterday and had lots of fun 🐠 🐟
As we continue our virtual school trip to @DeepSeaWorld, today why not make your own aquar...
Published on: 24-06-2020
Let's continue our virtual trip to @DeepSeaWorld Here's an example of a talks and feeds schedule. This could be used to generate lots of discussion e.g. Which location would you be excited to visit? W
Let's continue our virtual trip to @DeepSeaWorld Here's an example of a talks and feeds sc...
Published on: 23-06-2020
One thing you won't need to worry about for this weeks school trip grid is the lovely Scottish weather. Trip down memory lane -P2/3 had a great trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park.. even if it did pour
One thing you won't need to worry about for this weeks school trip grid is the lovely Scot...
Published on: 22-06-2020
Looking forward to seeing where you choose to go on your school trip 😁🐴🏴
Looking forward to seeing where you choose to go on your school trip 😁🐴🏴 ht...
Published on: 22-06-2020
If you decide to go on the virtual school trip to Deep Sea World, there are lots of busy underwater scenes on their twitter page.
If you decide to go on the virtual school trip to Deep Sea World, there are lots of busy u...
Published on: 22-06-2020
Potatos are a great environmentally friendly material to use as stamps for printing. You can make patterns, pictures, cards or recyclable wrapping paper. All you need is a potato cut in half, a bit of
Potatos are a great environmentally friendly material to use as stamps for printing. You c...
Published on: 19-06-2020
Today have a nature hunt word game in the garden or on your walk. Try to find natural objects that match a descriptive word on a card. It's a brilliant way to, connect with nature by thinking about c
Today have a nature hunt word game in the garden or on your walk. Try to find natural obj...
Published on: 18-06-2020
Recycle and re-use your citrus peels by turning them into colourful shapes for threading, sensory and loose parts play.
Recycle and re-use your citrus peels by turning them into colourful shapes for threading, ...
Published on: 17-06-2020
Flower and leaf crowns are great for practising fine motor skills and can act as fantastic props in role play activities. #outdoorlearning #imaginaryroleplay #nature
Flower and leaf crowns are great for practising fine motor skills and can act as fantastic...
Published on: 16-06-2020
This weeks Literacy & Numeracy home learning packs for each stage are available to collect from school - between 12noon - 1:30pm. Members of staff are on hand to help. 😁🌈🌟 @BankierPrimary #OurMiss
This weeks Literacy & Numeracy home learning packs for each stage are available to col...
Published on: 15-06-2020
Nature frames are a great way of exploring the wonderful outdoors. They are really simple to make. #outdoorlearning #nature
Nature frames are a great way of exploring the wonderful outdoors. They are really simple...
Published on: 15-06-2020
This would make a lovely gift for someone. #nature #outdoorlearning
This would make a lovely gift for someone. #nature #outdoorlearning
Published on: 12-06-2020
Here are 5 easy to make musical instruments. Which one will you make? We are going to make the harmonica today!
Here are 5 easy to make musical instruments. Which one will you make? We are going to mak...
Published on: 11-06-2020
Always love a Rainbow 🌈 activity. Here is another one to try
Always love a Rainbow 🌈 activity. Here is another one to try
Published on: 10-06-2020
I love this idea. We have started to save our bottle caps and hope to make a lovely mosaic with them. I would love to see any creations you make.
I love this idea. We have started to save our bottle caps and hope to make a lovely mosai...
Published on: 09-06-2020
This weeks Literacy & Numeracy home learning packs for each stage are available to collect from school - between 12noon - 1:30pm. Members of staff are on hand to help. 😁🌈🌟 @BankierPrimary #OurMiss
This weeks Literacy & Numeracy home learning packs for each stage are available to col...
Published on: 08-06-2020
Here's a great activity for building oral motor skills, fine motor skills and a fantastic STEM building activity for children of all ages. The maze can be simple to begin with then made more challeng
Here's a great activity for building oral motor skills, fine motor skills and a fantastic ...
Published on: 08-06-2020
Today make some Rainbow Fruit Ice Cubes. Lots of fine motor skills, a touch of science and a bit of extra hydration during Sports Week! Have fun 🌈 💧
Today make some Rainbow Fruit Ice Cubes. Lots of fine motor skills, a touch of science a...
Published on: 05-06-2020
Good morning p7 @Mrs_Paddon I will be tweeting your learning activities today as Mrs Paddon is working at the hub today. As it is Sports Week the tasks are Sports Themed. Have a lovely day. https://
Good morning p7 @Mrs_Paddon I will be tweeting your learning activities today as Mrs Paddo...
Published on: 04-06-2020
Here is another course you could set up during Sports Week. Can you make and do the monster hop? Challenge yourself by counting in 2s as you hop. #sportsweek
Here is another course you could set up during Sports Week. Can you make and do the monst...
Published on: 03-06-2020
As part of Sports Week , create your own obstacle challenge. Encourage thinking and problem solving with a challenging course. Crawl under chairs, throw objects into a bucket, do jumping jacks and try
As part of Sports Week , create your own obstacle challenge. Encourage thinking and proble...
Published on: 02-06-2020
This weeks Literacy & Numeracy home learning packs for each stage are available to collect from school - between 12noon - 1:30pm. Members of staff are on hand to help. 😁🌈🌟 @BankierPrimary #OurMiss
This weeks Literacy & Numeracy home learning packs for each stage are available to col...
Published on: 01-06-2020
Here is an 'Ice Cool' activity to try on a sunny day. 🌈 🎨 💧
Here is an 'Ice Cool' activity to try on a sunny day. 🌈 🎨 💧
Published on: 01-06-2020
This "Call-A-Friend Q&A for Kids" questionnaire is a fun way to keep children connected to their friends and family! Video calls are a different way of communicating and sometimes can be a little
This "Call-A-Friend Q&A for Kids" questionnaire is a fun way to keep children connecte...
Published on: 29-05-2020
Yesterday on our walk, my 2yr old was quite fascinated by her shadow. She started to explore how she could make her shadow move and change shape. My 7 and 5 yr old joined in and what fun we had. Tod
Yesterday on our walk, my 2yr old was quite fascinated by her shadow. She started to expl...
Published on: 28-05-2020
Nature Bracelets - To make nature bracelets, wrap a piece of wide tape loosely around your wrist with the sticky side out. Head outside on your walk find bits of nature (pinecones, leaves and flowers)
Nature Bracelets - To make nature bracelets, wrap a piece of wide tape loosely around your...
Published on: 27-05-2020
I love these mirror decorations. Can you make some of your own and place them around your house. A good way of reminding you and other members of your family, how well you are doing and to stay posi
I love these mirror decorations. Can you make some of your own and place them around your...
Published on: 26-05-2020
This weeks Literacy & Numeracy home learning packs for each stage are available to collect from school - between 12noon - 1:30pm. Members of staff are on hand to help. 😁🌈🌟 @BankierPrimary #OurMiss
This weeks Literacy & Numeracy home learning packs for each stage are available to col...
Published on: 25-05-2020
Today let someone know how incredible they are. Use lots of adjectives to describe that person. Maybe you could write one using your name too.
Today let someone know how incredible they are. Use lots of adjectives to describe that pe...
Published on: 25-05-2020
Today play "I Spy Kindness". Kindness is all around us if we start looking. Unexpected smiles, hugs, kind words, good manners and offers of help. How many acts of kindness can you spot in your house
Today play "I Spy Kindness". Kindness is all around us if we start looking. Unexpected sm...
Published on: 22-05-2020
Kindness is the focus of Mental Health Awareness Week 2020, remember it's important to be kind to yourself too. Today, try to think of at least one thing that makes you amazing. #mentalhealthawarenes
Kindness is the focus of Mental Health Awareness Week 2020, remember it's important to be ...
Published on: 21-05-2020
I'm sure we can all think of someone we would like to cuddle right now but can't. Why don't you send them a cuddle card. You could print this or make your own. #mentalhealthawarenessweek #kindness ht
I'm sure we can all think of someone we would like to cuddle right now but can't. Why don'...
Published on: 20-05-2020
As it is Mental Health Awareness week, here are some daily kind acts you could try at home. #mentalheathawarenessweek #kindness
As it is Mental Health Awareness week, here are some daily kind acts you could try at home...
Published on: 19-05-2020
Twinkl are allowing a free download of one of their mental health resources to mark Mental Health Awareness Week. Included -mindfulness and emotions activities and yoga for wellbeing. We are going to
Twinkl are allowing a free download of one of their mental health resources to mark Mental...
Published on: 18-05-2020
There are some great ideas on this website of simple acts of kindness. It doesn't need to cost money or be a grand gesture. Remember also to be kind to yourself. #mentalhealthawareness #kindness htt
There are some great ideas on this website of simple acts of kindness. It doesn't need to ...
Published on: 18-05-2020
It is Mental Health Awareness Week. This years theme is kindness. Can you think of something kind you could do for someone today?
It is Mental Health Awareness Week. This years theme is kindness. Can you think of somet...
Published on: 18-05-2020
This bbc bitesize lesson is based on the tv series Pablo. Pablo uses his magic crayons to turn his life challenges into fantastic adventures. This lesson focuses on emotions and provides a fun drawing
This bbc bitesize lesson is based on the tv series Pablo. Pablo uses his magic crayons to ...
Published on: 18-05-2020
My children are building dens all the time just now. Did you know that Ikea has created these instructions for building furniture forts in lockdown. This looks like lots of fun ⛺️
My children are building dens all the time just now. Did you know that Ikea has created t...
Published on: 15-05-2020
A lovely little story to share with our Stay Home Superheroes.
A lovely little story to share with our Stay Home Superheroes.
Published on: 15-05-2020
During this challenging time, it is good to look at how we can support self regulation in our young people. The following link gives some great ideas and visual aids to use at home.
During this challenging time, it is good to look at how we can support self regulation in ...
Published on: 15-05-2020
Missing your friends? Write a compliment for each of your friends on a piece of paper and put it in a jar. This is a really nice wellbeing exercise. After lockdown you can share the jar with your fri
Missing your friends? Write a compliment for each of your friends on a piece of paper and ...
Published on: 14-05-2020
Remember there are plenty of everyday activities that count as learning too.
Remember there are plenty of everyday activities that count as learning too.
Published on: 13-05-2020
As well as talking about emotions, it's important to develop coping strategies and know how and when to apply them. Here is a fun activity to help.
As well as talking about emotions, it's important to develop coping strategies and know ho...
Published on: 12-05-2020
Another fun rainbow activity for Monday morning. Can you make a colourful rainbow or pattern using objects from your house or garden?
Another fun rainbow activity for Monday morning. Can you make a colourful rainbow or patt...
Published on: 11-05-2020
Here is a link to some fun free activities to help familiarise children with masks during this time.
Here is a link to some fun free activities to help familiarise children with masks during ...
Published on: 07-05-2020
It might seem strange and even frightening to see people wearing masks out in public. This story may help young people. Once we talk about it in a non-scary way, it will seem more normal and cause les
It might seem strange and even frightening to see people wearing masks out in public. This...
Published on: 07-05-2020
Here is a great calm down activity for children and parents. Use one piece of kitchen roll and trace the pattern using felt tip pens. It's interesting to watch the ink spread on the kitchen roll and
Here is a great calm down activity for children and parents. Use one piece of kitchen rol...
Published on: 06-05-2020
#TakeItOutsideTuesday This is such a fun activity to do with spelling or common words. Find the word, read it, say it, spell it, blast it with water 💦
#TakeItOutsideTuesday This is such a fun activity to do with spelling or common words. Fin...
Published on: 05-05-2020
I love these mood of the day cups. A simple way to encourage children to express how they are feeling. Cups can also be used as a pencil holder.
I love these mood of the day cups. A simple way to encourage children to express how they ...
Published on: 05-05-2020
Singing has been proven to strengthen your immune system, improve your posture, help you sleep and lower stress. Sing your favourite songs, I would love to see some videos of you singing.
Singing has been proven to strengthen your immune system, improve your posture, help you s...
Published on: 04-05-2020
Here is the link for today's reading task @Mrs_Paddon
Here is the link for today's reading task @Mrs_Paddon
Published on: 30-04-2020
Today's tasks @Mrs_Paddon
Today's tasks @Mrs_Paddon
Published on: 30-04-2020
Good morning p7. I will be tweeting your learning activities today as Mrs Paddon is working at the hub today. I will be contactable on Twitter between 10am-12noon. Have a lovely day. @Mrs_Paddon
Good morning p7. I will be tweeting your learning activities today as Mrs Paddon is workin...
Published on: 30-04-2020
Drinking water is one of the most important and simplest things for our health and wellbeing! Keeping hydrated helps your focus, energy levels and keeps you happy and alert! Measure how much you pour
Drinking water is one of the most important and simplest things for our health and wellbei...
Published on: 29-04-2020
My children have become more involved in preparing their own meals/snacks over the last few weeks and have started to get more creative. How funky can you make your food look today? Discuss what skil
My children have become more involved in preparing their own meals/snacks over the last fe...
Published on: 28-04-2020
Make sure you give yourself time to reflect on your successes and celebrate what you have achieved since lockdown. Make yourself a certificate, medal or badge in recognition of your achievements. I wo
Make sure you give yourself time to reflect on your successes and celebrate what you have ...
Published on: 27-04-2020
Yesterday the feeling was a little subdued in the house so we stopped what we were doing, got our rucksacks and sunglasses and went on holiday. We ended up staying in this luxury villa with a slide en
Yesterday the feeling was a little subdued in the house so we stopped what we were doing, ...
Published on: 24-04-2020
Using a feelings thermometer can help children make the connection between their feelings and coping skills. You can make a personalised one at home.
Using a feelings thermometer can help children make the connection between their feelings ...
Published on: 24-04-2020
Children may be feeling quite intense emotions at the moment. Why not try yoga to help calm angry feelings:
Children may be feeling quite intense emotions at the moment. Why not try yoga to help ca...
Published on: 23-04-2020
Here is a link to comics related to Personal, Social and Health Education — Dekko Comics. There are other topics too and they are all free to read.
Here is a link to comics related to Personal, Social and Health Education — Dekko Comics. ...
Published on: 22-04-2020
Having a calm box in the house can be helpful to reduce anxiety and stress. You can make one with things you have at home.
Having a calm box in the house can be helpful to reduce anxiety and stress. You can make o...
Published on: 22-04-2020
BBC bitesize daily lessons are really good. Why not try this one 🤷🏻♀️ and learn about the importance of self belief and managing your emotions.
BBC bitesize daily lessons are really good. Why not try this one 🤷🏻♀️ and learn about t...
Published on: 21-04-2020
Research shows that being grateful can improve psychological health. Why not take a few minutes and write down a few things you are thankful for. If you find it challenging at first, focus on just 2
Research shows that being grateful can improve psychological health. Why not take a few m...
Published on: 20-04-2020
Welcome back. Hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and have been enjoying the sunshine ☀️. We would love for you to tweet what you have been up to. We are missing you all very much 🌈
Welcome back. Hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and have been enjoying the sunsh...
Published on: 20-04-2020
February 2020 Newsletter
Published on: 12-03-2020
Have a great summer Primary 6. I have enjoyed every minute with you all.. Good luck in primary 7 🥳 I will miss you all loads- promise to come and visit! Miss Walker 😊
Have a great summer Primary 6. I have enjoyed every minute with you all.. Good luck in pr...
Published on: 28-06-2019
Have a great summer primary 2. Good luck in primary 3 when it comes. You are all superstars💫🎉
Have a great summer primary 2. Good luck in primary 3 when it comes. You are all superstar...
Published on: 28-06-2019
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his week. 👏
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his wee...
Published on: 28-06-2019
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his week. 👏
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his wee...
Published on: 28-06-2019
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his week. 👏
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his wee...
Published on: 28-06-2019
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his week. 👏
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his wee...
Published on: 28-06-2019
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his week. 👏
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his wee...
Published on: 28-06-2019
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his week. 👏
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his wee...
Published on: 28-06-2019
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his week. 👏
Primary 2 have loved sharing all our favourite things during our show and tell all his wee...
Published on: 28-06-2019
Could primary 2 pupils please remember a strong carrier bag tomorrow to begin taking all our fab work home. Thank you!
Could primary 2 pupils please remember a strong carrier bag tomorrow to begin taking all o...
Published on: 24-06-2019
Primary 2 voted for their favourite spelling tasks of the year and enjoyed spelling some summer words! ☀️💫
Primary 2 voted for their favourite spelling tasks of the year and enjoyed spelling some s...
Published on: 24-06-2019
Beach party 🥳
Beach party 🥳
Published on: 21-06-2019
Beach party 🥳
Beach party 🥳
Published on: 21-06-2019
Huge thank you to @denny_station who visited primary 1 and 2 again yesterday. This time we got to have a look at their fire engine.
Huge thank you to @denny_station who visited primary 1 and 2 again yesterday. This time we...
Published on: 19-06-2019
Fun with our buddies 💫
Fun with our buddies 💫
Published on: 12-06-2019
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
Published on: 12-06-2019
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
Published on: 12-06-2019
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
Published on: 12-06-2019
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
Published on: 12-06-2019
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
We had great fun having lunch with our buddies today 💫
Published on: 12-06-2019
P2 had a fab day at @newlanarkwhs for their school trip! We loved the old toys and classroom. #VictorianTopic
P2 had a fab day at @newlanarkwhs for their school trip! We loved the old toys and classro...
Published on: 12-06-2019
P2 had a fab day at @newlanarkwhs for their school trip! We loved the old toys and classroom. #VictorianTopic
P2 had a fab day at @newlanarkwhs for their school trip! We loved the old toys and classro...
Published on: 12-06-2019
P2 had a fab day at @newlanarkwhs for their school trip! We loved the old toys and classroom. #VictorianTopic
P2 had a fab day at @newlanarkwhs for their school trip! We loved the old toys and classro...
Published on: 12-06-2019
Primary 6 enjoyed their football session today
Primary 6 enjoyed their football session today
Published on: 05-06-2019
Primary 1and 2 worked around healthy stations today. Here are some of our fruit patterns. 🍎🍓🍇🥝🍌
Primary 1and 2 worked around healthy stations today. Here are some of our fruit patterns. ...
Published on: 05-06-2019
Primary 1and 2 worked around healthy stations today. Here are some of our fruit patterns. 🍎🍓🍇🥝🍌
Primary 1and 2 worked around healthy stations today. Here are some of our fruit patterns. ...
Published on: 05-06-2019
Primary 1and 2 worked around healthy stations today. Here are some of our fruit patterns. 🍎🍓🍇🥝🍌
Primary 1and 2 worked around healthy stations today. Here are some of our fruit patterns. ...
Published on: 05-06-2019
Some football today in P2. ⚽️
Some football today in P2. ⚽️
Published on: 05-06-2019
As part of health fortnight primary two identified people who part of their support circles.
As part of health fortnight primary two identified people who part of their support circle...
Published on: 05-06-2019
As part of health fortnight primary two identified people who part of their support circles.
As part of health fortnight primary two identified people who part of their support circle...
Published on: 05-06-2019
We had some fun with our spelling words today 🤩
We had some fun with our spelling words today 🤩
Published on: 04-06-2019
Primary 6 created some app advice in ICT 🤩
Primary 6 created some app advice in ICT 🤩
Published on: 04-06-2019
Primary two had great fun learning some taekwondo moves today. 🥋
Primary two had great fun learning some taekwondo moves today. 🥋
Published on: 03-06-2019
Primary two had great fun learning some taekwondo moves today. 🥋
Primary two had great fun learning some taekwondo moves today. 🥋
Published on: 03-06-2019
Primary 2 loved having these lovely primary fives to tell us all about being happy🤩 @MrsLerpiniere
Primary 2 loved having these lovely primary fives to tell us all about being happy🤩 @MrsL...
Published on: 03-06-2019
We created smoothies of our choice today 🍎 We also created recipe cards incase anyone wanted to make them again! The smoothies were yummy! (Most of them!)
We created smoothies of our choice today 🍎 We also created recipe cards incase anyone wan...
Published on: 31-05-2019
Primary 2 have loved the health fortnight activities so far. Looking forward to more next week. 🍎
Primary 2 have loved the health fortnight activities so far. Looking forward to more next ...
Published on: 31-05-2019
Some more of our recent winners. 🎉 P2 is filled with super stars. 🌟💫
Some more of our recent winners. 🎉 P2 is filled with super stars. 🌟💫
Published on: 31-05-2019
Our Golden Ticket winner this week. 🎉🌟
Our Golden Ticket winner this week. 🎉🌟
Published on: 31-05-2019
Primary 6 loved taking part in the dance workshop 🤩
Primary 6 loved taking part in the dance workshop 🤩
Published on: 30-05-2019
We enjoyed some training in first aid this morning 🤩
We enjoyed some training in first aid this morning 🤩
Published on: 30-05-2019
We enjoyed some training in first aid this morning 🤩
We enjoyed some training in first aid this morning 🤩
Published on: 30-05-2019
We enjoyed some training in first aid this morning 🤩
We enjoyed some training in first aid this morning 🤩
Published on: 30-05-2019
We enjoyed some training in first aid this morning 🤩
We enjoyed some training in first aid this morning 🤩
Published on: 30-05-2019
Primary 6 loved their judo session. Such good fun 🥳
Primary 6 loved their judo session. Such good fun 🥳
Published on: 29-05-2019
Primary 6 loved their judo session. Such good fun 🥳
Primary 6 loved their judo session. Such good fun 🥳
Published on: 29-05-2019
A massive well done to our race winners 🥳
A massive well done to our race winners 🥳
Published on: 29-05-2019
Sports Day...
Published on: 29-05-2019
Super well done to all of P2! 🎉💫
Super well done to all of P2! 🎉💫
Published on: 24-05-2019
We created beautiful bookmarks using materials we found outdoors. @MissRhindP2 #OutdoorClassroomDay
We created beautiful bookmarks using materials we found outdoors. @MissRhindP2 #OutdoorCla...
Published on: 23-05-2019
We created beautiful book marks using materials we found outdoors. @MissRhindP2 #OutdoorClasroomDay
We created beautiful book marks using materials we found outdoors. @MissRhindP2 #OutdoorCl...
Published on: 23-05-2019
Here are our STEM rafts, some floated, others didn't. We were able to discuss design features of our raft linked to floating and sinking. @MissRhindP2 #OutdoorClasroomDay
Here are our STEM rafts, some floated, others didn't. We were able to discuss design featu...
Published on: 23-05-2019
Here are our STEM rafts, some floated, others didn't. We were able to discuss design features of our raft linked to floating and sinking. @MissRhindP2 #OutdoorClasroomDay
Here are our STEM rafts, some floated, others didn't. We were able to discuss design featu...
Published on: 23-05-2019
Here are our STEM rafts, some floated, others didn't. We were able to discuss design features of our raft linked to floating and sinking. @MissRhindP2 #OutdoorClasroomDay
Here are our STEM rafts, some floated, others didn't. We were able to discuss design featu...
Published on: 23-05-2019
Here are our STEM rafts, some floated, others didn't. We were able to discuss design features of our raft linked to floating and sinking. @MissRhindP2 #OutdoorClasroomDay
Here are our STEM rafts, some floated, others didn't. We were able to discuss design featu...
Published on: 23-05-2019
We collected natural resources for our STEM challenge- we had to create a raft that was able to float
We collected natural resources for our STEM challenge- we had to create a raft that was ab...
Published on: 23-05-2019
New Parent Payment System...
Published on: 22-05-2019
Happy birthday 🥳
Happy birthday 🥳
Published on: 21-05-2019
We had lots of fun making empire biscuits today 😀 lots of happy faces!
We had lots of fun making empire biscuits today 😀 lots of happy faces!
Published on: 17-05-2019
Primary 6 carried out a science experiment to investigate what volume of water was best for a successful bottle flip 💦
Primary 6 carried out a science experiment to investigate what volume of water was best fo...
Published on: 16-05-2019
P2 & P6 are continuing their digital learning. Primary 6 are helping us to create our own games. #NDLW19 @DigiLearnScot @Schools_Digital
P2 & P6 are continuing their digital learning. Primary 6 are helping us to create our ...
Published on: 16-05-2019
P2 & P6 are continuing their digital learning. Primary 6 are helping us to create our own games. #NDLW19 @DigiLearnScot @Schools_Digital
P2 & P6 are continuing their digital learning. Primary 6 are helping us to create our ...
Published on: 16-05-2019
Creating artwork this afternoon to raise awareness of plastic pollution 🐢
Creating artwork this afternoon to raise awareness of plastic pollution 🐢
Published on: 15-05-2019
Active spelling in the sun this morning. ☀️
Active spelling in the sun this morning. ☀️
Published on: 14-05-2019
Doing the twist
Doing the twist
Published on: 13-05-2019
Published on: 13-05-2019
Proud teacher 🤩 L showcased his trophies and certificates for us today from Boys Brigade. Well done!
Proud teacher 🤩 L showcased his trophies and certificates for us today from Boys Brigade....
Published on: 13-05-2019
Beautiful day ☀️
Beautiful day ☀️
Published on: 13-05-2019
School trip photos 😀
School trip photos 😀
Published on: 13-05-2019
School trip photos 😀 1960's dress up
School trip photos 😀 1960's dress up
Published on: 13-05-2019
School trip photos 😀
School trip photos 😀
Published on: 13-05-2019
School trip photos 😀
School trip photos 😀
Published on: 13-05-2019
School trip photos 😀
School trip photos 😀
Published on: 13-05-2019
School trip photos 😀
School trip photos 😀
Published on: 13-05-2019
School trip photos 😀
School trip photos 😀
Published on: 13-05-2019
School trip photos 😀
School trip photos 😀
Published on: 13-05-2019
Primary 6 looked at a range of texts. Ask us what we learning about.
Primary 6 looked at a range of texts. Ask us what we learning about.
Published on: 30-04-2019
Take a look at our fantastic water cycle in a bag! We have already seen some stages of the water cycle happen!
Take a look at our fantastic water cycle in a bag! We have already seen some stages of the...
Published on: 30-04-2019
Primary 6 worked in pairs to complete a science experiment. We successfully created the water cycle in a bag.
Primary 6 worked in pairs to complete a science experiment. We successfully created the wa...
Published on: 30-04-2019
Road Safety with Ziggy
free parent resources...
Published on: 30-04-2019
Today in P2 we made yummy sandwiches. 🥪 I hope everyone enjoys eating them and remembers the steps for us to write our own instructions for making them later this week! ✍🏼👍
Today in P2 we made yummy sandwiches. 🥪 I hope everyone enjoys eating them and remembers ...
Published on: 29-04-2019
Our Golden Ticket winner for this week! She is caring and she is confident are some of the reasons why we love her! Well done!
Our Golden Ticket winner for this week! She is caring and she is confident are some of the...
Published on: 29-04-2019
Roots Open Day
Bankier Primary Community Wing...
Published on: 24-04-2019
Primary 2 have been learning about their rights. We even had a new member in our class. We taught her about her right to a name. We named her Poppy. We had great fun working in groups to teach her abo
Primary 2 have been learning about their rights. We even had a new member in our class. We...
Published on: 18-04-2019
Primary 2 have been learning about their rights. We even had a new member in our class. We taught her about her right to a name. We named her Poppy. We had great fun working in groups to teach her abo
Primary 2 have been learning about their rights. We even had a new member in our class. We...
Published on: 18-04-2019
Our Golden Ticket winner this week. Well done!
Our Golden Ticket winner this week. Well done!
Published on: 18-04-2019
Well done to our Golden Ticket winner this week! 👏🎉
Well done to our Golden Ticket winner this week! 👏🎉
Published on: 29-03-2019
Have a super holiday everyone 🥰
Have a super holiday everyone 🥰
Published on: 29-03-2019
Primary 6 enjoying an area and perimeter game today in maths 🌟😁
Primary 6 enjoying an area and perimeter game today in maths 🌟😁
Published on: 22-03-2019
Primary 6 enjoying an area and perimeter game today in maths 🌟😁
Primary 6 enjoying an area and perimeter game today in maths 🌟😁
Published on: 22-03-2019
Primary 6 are looking for any unwanted cardboard shoe boxes please 😁 If you have any lying around could you send them into school with your child! Thank you 🙏🏻
Primary 6 are looking for any unwanted cardboard shoe boxes please 😁 If you have any lyi...
Published on: 20-03-2019
Max in the middle week 💫
Max in the middle week 💫
Published on: 17-03-2019
Max in the middle week 💫
Max in the middle week 💫
Published on: 17-03-2019
Published on: 17-03-2019
Max in the middle week 💫
Max in the middle week 💫
Published on: 17-03-2019
Max in the middle week 💫
Max in the middle week 💫
Published on: 17-03-2019
Red Nose Day
Whole School and Nursery...
Published on: 15-03-2019
Also well done to these superstar dancers in P2 🎉👏
Also well done to these superstar dancers in P2 🎉👏
Published on: 08-03-2019
This weeks Golden Ticket winner. Well done. What a star 🌟🎉
This weeks Golden Ticket winner. Well done. What a star 🌟🎉
Published on: 08-03-2019
Happy world book day from primary 2 🎉 @WorldBookDayUK @FMReadChallenge
Happy world book day from primary 2 🎉 @WorldBookDayUK @FMReadChallenge
Published on: 07-03-2019
Published on: 06-03-2019
We are very happy with our completed houses and were able to use them to talk about how to care for our community.
We are very happy with our completed houses and were able to use them to talk about how to...
Published on: 06-03-2019
Primary two have been learning about our community. Today we re-used and recycled materials to create paper bag houses. 🏠🏘
Primary two have been learning about our community. Today we re-used and recycled material...
Published on: 06-03-2019
Cross Country
Wednesday 6 March 2019...
Published on: 05-03-2019
World Book Day Events
Whole School and Nursery...
Published on: 05-03-2019
Great to see this girl continuing to achieve outside school too. 🎉
Great to see this girl continuing to achieve outside school too. 🎉
Published on: 22-02-2019
Our well deserved Golden Ticket winner this week 👏🎉
Our well deserved Golden Ticket winner this week 👏🎉
Published on: 22-02-2019
This week Primary two designed and created our own clocks to help us to tell the time. 🕰⏰⏱
This week Primary two designed and created our own clocks to help us to tell the time. 🕰⏰...
Published on: 15-02-2019
Well done to this weeks Golden Ticket winner. 🎉 This boy has been working super hard this week!
Well done to this weeks Golden Ticket winner. 🎉 This boy has been working super hard this...
Published on: 15-02-2019
School Lunches
Published on: 15-02-2019
Parents/Carers information re Norovirus from NHS
Published on: 05-02-2019
Norovirus Information - NHS Leaflet - What is Norovirus
Published on: 05-02-2019
Norovirus Information from NHS - Frequently Asked Questions
Published on: 05-02-2019
Also our Golden Ticket winner this week. Well done! 🎉
Also our Golden Ticket winner this week. Well done! 🎉
Published on: 01-02-2019
We even had two birthdays today. Happy Birthday 🎁🎉
We even had two birthdays today. Happy Birthday 🎁🎉
Published on: 01-02-2019
Lots to celebrate in primary two today. 🎉
Lots to celebrate in primary two today. 🎉
Published on: 01-02-2019
Pupils working together to discuss different jobs and the skills they require.
Pupils working together to discuss different jobs and the skills they require. https://t.c...
Published on: 01-02-2019
Well done! What a great achievement! I can't wait to hear all about it! 🎉🎉
Well done! What a great achievement! I can't wait to hear all about it! 🎉🎉
Published on: 26-01-2019
I was so impressed by the creation of Banknock Zoo during Golden a time today. 🦁🐯🐨🐵
I was so impressed by the creation of Banknock Zoo during Golden a time today. 🦁🐯🐨🐵 h...
Published on: 25-01-2019
Primary 2 were very lucky to receive a special visitor today who let us listen to him playing the bagpipes. One lucky boy even got to have a go. It was very loud but we loved it!
Primary 2 were very lucky to receive a special visitor today who let us listen to him play...
Published on: 25-01-2019
Super proud of these girls today. Our class winner and runner up in the Bankier Primary Scots poetry competition. 🎉
Super proud of these girls today. Our class winner and runner up in the Bankier Primary Sc...
Published on: 25-01-2019
Our Golden Ticket winner this week. What a hardworking and well deserved winner this week. 🎉
Our Golden Ticket winner this week. What a hardworking and well deserved winner this week....
Published on: 25-01-2019
Just some of our fab new tartan designs in primary 2.
Just some of our fab new tartan designs in primary 2.
Published on: 23-01-2019
This weeks golden ticket winner. Well deserved, well done!
This weeks golden ticket winner. Well deserved, well done!
Published on: 18-01-2019
Today we used some of our favourite food to help us build our own eatwell plate.
Today we used some of our favourite food to help us build our own eatwell plate. https://t...
Published on: 17-01-2019
Happy Birthday to this boy is primary 2 today 🎉🎁
Happy Birthday to this boy is primary 2 today 🎉🎁
Published on: 17-01-2019
Primary 2 hard at work creating their picture plans for the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. #talk4writing
Primary 2 hard at work creating their picture plans for the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. #ta...
Published on: 16-01-2019
Our first Golden Ticket winner of 2019. Well done!
Our first Golden Ticket winner of 2019. Well done!
Published on: 11-01-2019
Activity Village Loch Ness Monster Origami
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